As you know, I've been saying for sometime that Labour won't win Scotland. They still won't I don't think but there may be signs of a few gains, which always helps. We'll see.
Large majorities tend to be adjusted at the next election.
The SNP haven’t been great so voters WILL show their displeasure.
And in England all those red wall seats that the Tories won will return to Labour. As for the rest of the country, the present government have been a shambles for four years, and I expect the electorate will vote accordingly.
As the cult of personality comes to an end chaos must ensue, it's how these things work.
We'll have an extremist of some flavour in place shortly, depending on whose boggle-eyed supporters are the most vocal/have the most dirt on the other two.
If the number of party members is being used as some kind of indicator of election success, I should remind the OP that the Conservatives have less than half the members that the Labour Party have.
Indeed Gulliver.
The Conservative’s have just increased their membership fees for new members from £25 to £39.
Apparently the increase is because donations have plummeted.
Party membership is irrelevant. Jeremy Corbyn supporters actually thought he had some hope of winning an election because membership increased under his leadership.
The electorate decides election results, not party members.
Yes party membership is not directly relevant but it does point to internal issues in that party. That in turn can lead to reduction in support at a coming election.
13 38 Once again, TTT replies with a very juvenile answer ,which implies that I touched upon a very raw nerve with my reply to Gromit @ 13.17.
You must calm down TTT .I only commented on the fact that The membership and support for Tory party is falling at an alarming rate . Please don't let my post spoil Your night out at The Con Club.