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When You Are Moaning About The Tories......

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ToraToraTora | 09:53 Tue 28th Mar 2023 | News
44 Answers
....just consider what many on this site wanted and who you could have had running the country and count your blessings.


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You down at the old pot and kettle again? Vulcan.
"and you will not be happy until you get my answer removed. Obviously"

most on here wont be happy until you are removed...youre not as tough as you like to think you are, hiding overseas and trolling all the time...
Ah, my daily amusement :-)
//We will never know if it would have been worse or better if Corbin and McDonnell had won, so it is pointless playing that game.//

Well sort of true, however we have a pretty good idea. Even labour dont want him. This is COB we are talking about here not Sir Kier.
"and you will not be happy until you get my answer removed. Obviously"

I noticed how triggered he was on chatterbank when one of his posts was taken down....youve been well and truly sussed matey boy
13,14 I nearly missed a sip of my Pina Colada when I read that Baz...calm down, there's a dear.
dont you think its weird nick clegg now works for meta
"13,14 I nearly missed a sip of my Pina Colada when I read that Baz...calm down, there's a dear."

oh the irony...a big word for you it
14.09 Hi Ronny.
i notice youngmafbog continues to refer to him as COB because he believes it sounds sinister... how appropriate as many of the things levelled against corbyn were made up

those who bleat about boris being "stitched up" would do well to study the treatment of corbyn impartially... that's what a stitch-up truly looks like
How was he stitched up, untitled?
Your triumphalism is highly amusing. The Johnson Government was not at all effective or successful. It was 3 years of chaos and a huge majority squandered. And the only way you can defend the indefensible is to image something that didn’t happen.
People though Boris would be great, and he turned out to be terrible. People thought Corbyn would be terrible and didn’t vote for him. But what they got instead has not lived up to the hype. Funny that you think it has.
Poor JC, first demonized by the right-wing press and now excluded from the party he served for many years by the machinations of Zionists.
Thinks have come to a pretty pass.
the controversy around the handling anti-semitism was manufactured by his opponents (de facto tories) inside the party... the messages studied in the forde report make this undeniable

he was dishonestly represented in the press as some kind of serious political sponsor to terrorists of the world... more details with examples can be found in this study on press bias from LSE
the labour party needs to die a quick death and fast so their votes can go towards parties that actually matter currently people who dont vote tory think to vote labour but they need to quite that idea one demon we know is better than the demon we dont get some fresh left labour is a lost cause
corbyn would be better in a different party green or lib dem
In 2019 we faced a surreal Christmas election with two party leaders neither of whom was remotely fit to be PM.
Johnson in fairness did what he was elected to do but perhaps inevitably departed the scene early - the Tories after a brief aberration called Liz Truss - have a sensible leader again and so do Labour but it seems the old leaders of 2019 won’t go away. I hope Starmer succeeds in this: Corbyn has brought shame in the party: he can stand as an independent but no way should he be allowed to stand for Labour
I wouldn’t describe Starmer as a sensible leader by any stretch of the imagination. Don’t forget he was an avid supporter of a Corbyn before it suited him to boot the old boy out, and he’s clearly prone to making what he thinks are the right noises and going with whichever way he thinks the wind is blowing. His latest initiative is to protect women from physical violence. That coming from a man who was instrumental in preventing the deportation of a violent criminal who attacked two women has to be an unfunny joke. In fact he can’t even tell us what a woman is. Sensible? No. An untrustworthy politician with delusions of grandeur? Certainly.
I know this is a hobbyhorse of mine but you only have to see Corbyn being interviewed about Ukraine to see how totally unsuited he is to sensible politics.
The Labour government of the time was
more or less a founding father of NATO: there is no place IMO in a mainstream party for people who’d put our security at risk.
How many wanted JC or how many wanted change?

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