It is a crime as you very well know, PP. It is illegal to make, distribute, possess or show indecent images of anyone under 18, even if the young person consented.
This youth was 17 when it started.
This campaign to bring down the BBC presenter is apparently being run by the Sun. I well remember that rag featuring a 'countdown' in the run up to Sam Fox's 16th birthday so they could post the first page 3 topless photo of her.
Obviously that photo was taken before she was 16 and the law was different then - but it stinks of double standards.
If I were a single man now, or inclined to start anything with a young person, I would want to double check their birth certificate and get the parent to confirm it.
Such murky waters to paddle in
Do we really care? Or is idle curiosity once again rearing it’s hypocritical head.
So many skeletons in so many cupboards.
As Jesus said...Let yea without sin cast the first stone”...”mother, put down that rock”.
I care, not so much as to the identity of the man but the very easy ways young people and children can be drawn in to this with the lure of attention from a much older person, flattery and the promise of 'easy money'.
All whilst the youngster is safely sat in his or her bedroom, in the bosom of the family.