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50 Years Today Since The Infamous Rivers Of Blood Speech

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Bobbisox1 | 12:15 Sun 09th Jul 2023 | News
254 Answers
Made by Enoch Powell ,very controversial for its time but a lot of it is happening with no controlled immigration nor any government in power or opposition ,willing to tackle it ,it’s seen as a poison chalice


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Powell was an ignorant reactionary racist bigot.

His bile was directed entirely at the black population of the country, and trying to shoehorn in the immigration from places like Romania to make it appear that he was somehow right with his inflammatory garbage does no-one any favours.
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Did no one any favours Andy,surely? Is he alive today ? I don’t know, I agree it was very inflammatory a speech and he was removed from the Conservative party by Edward Heath for it
It always irritates me when I hear it called that:
It was a shocking thing to say regardless of what you call it
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Not me Ich, not sure who coined the phrase ,maybe it was in the hate speech?
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P.s, I’ve never felt the need to listen to it
andy-hughesPowell was an ignorant reactionary racist bigot.

He was a realist, and he was right. END OFF.
The speech was 55 years ago: Powell wasn’t dismissed from the party. He was sacked as a minister.
He later left the party of his own accord. Joined Labour. Became Unionist MP for South Down during which time he made a guest appearance at our school debating society
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Was it? Just going by headlines that contradict the years one says April 68 and the other says 50 years today
“Author Not me Ich, not sure who coined the phrase ,maybe it was in the hate speech?”

Everyone calls it that Bobbi not just you. It was actually a quote translated from Latin. Peter P will remind us which Roman it was who saw the Tiber foaming with much blood :-)
SparklyKid - // andy-hughesPowell was an ignorant reactionary racist bigot.

He was a realist, and he was right. END OFF. //

Thanks for your usual in-depth informed and incisive contribution.

I consider my view changed forever by your correction.
I consider my view changed forever by your correction.

Bobbisox - // Did no one any favours Andy,surely? //

No, it's 'does' - I am referring to people trying to make him out to be some sort of prophet because of what's occurring now, as doing no-one any favours
SparklyKid - // I consider my view changed forever by your correction.

Good. //

I don't know where I'd be without you to point out the errors in my thinking!
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Andy I find now a person is rather ‘scared’ to say what they want to say and I’m not meaning AB, but everyone should have the right as long as it’s not inflammatory
What’s occurring now?
Question Author
I’ve never looked at him as a prophet , that kind of thing is for those wanting to believe something
Bobbi - // Andy I find now a person is rather ‘scared’ to say what they want to say and I’m not meaning AB, but everyone should have the right as long as it’s not inflammatory //

I couldn't agree more.

But that's the point, Powell's speech was inflammatory, with a big capital 'I'.
Enoch foresaw the future. Black lives matter !!
Enoch was right, he could see the day when the black man had the upper hand.

He was right.
SparklyKid - // Enoch was right, he could see the day when the black man had the upper hand.

He was right. //

Where, and in what way does 'the black man have the upper hand'?

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