The level of violence is getting worse. I've been assaulted a couple of times over the 30 yr. period from 1972/2001.
The first time (Buttershaw Comp.) a big 15 yr. old thug who didn't like me standing behind him to ensure he got on with his work, suddenly threw his chair back and smashed me across the shins with the crossbar on the legs - agony and bleeding legs. He was removed from class and caned.
Other two times were more minor, but no caning was permitted by then and it was a long drawn-out process to get parents in, child suspended for a couple of days etc..
Threats - they tended to be ignored as time went by. I once had a 15 yr-old girl, high as a kite after sniffing glue, who stood in front of me crouching and waving an open pair of scissors at me. That was scary.
No, nothing happened to her apart from Head's detention.
I eventually left teaching after having a gun pulled on me in a playground as I was escorting a form of 11 yr. old girls across it. The kid waving the pistol was about 15 and a son of a family known to be involved in the drugs route into Bradford (we eventually gathered enough evidence for the police to swoop). It turned out that it was a replica - but I didn't know that. This happened on a Friday - I had a dreadful weekend and went in on Monday prepared to give evidence etc.. Nothing needed, the Dep. Head had taken the gun off the kid, decided it was obviously a replica and case filed.
There is, of course, little the school can do except suspend a pupil - and L.A's. are very very reluctant to do that, as is Senior Management because it reflects badly on the school.
It's got a lot worse since caning was abolished. The hardcore weren't particularly cowed by it - but everyone else toed the line. Now of course societal pressure is full of 'me, me' me', 'rights' and so on.
I loved teaching and was a good teacher. Still help kids when possible.