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gulliver1 | 08:57 Fri 21st Jul 2023 | News
41 Answers
"Whoo - hoo" ....Tories lose two By-elections, and hang on to the third by the skin of their teeth . Britain is waking up to the fact that they need a change and it's time to kick the the Tories out using both feet. Get Rid.


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And then again he might be absolute rubbish.
Tory’s lost two out of three seats, what’s to be debated ?
//Why did the Uxbridge result need a recount ?
Was there evidence of some sort of Tory cheating //

Quite the opposite. If you knew anything about polling it was a very close call so they recount to ensure that the correct party had fairly won.
//Tory’s lost two out of three seats, what’s to be debated ?//

Well there is a starry eyede view point. they were expected to loose so maybe we can also ask "Labour failed to win two out of three seats, what’s to be debated ?"
"Quite the opposite. If you knew anything about polling it was a very close call so they recount to ensure that the correct party had fairly won. "

I was up during the night and followed a little of this as it happened.
Interestingly, the BBC reported that only the Labour and Conservative votes would be recounted, but that they would check that there were no votes for either of those parties in the bundles for the other candidates. Of course this is a sensible thing to do, but I'd never heard of it being reported in such detail before.
Surely that is a good thing though?

Open and transparent is a good value.
When the time comes, don't forget, vote Reform UK;

"The nation faces many challenges, but we can overcome them. To succeed, we need to do Brexit properly. We must grow our way out of the crisis, we cannot tax our way out of it. We must stand up for our core democratic values, our civil liberties, our right to free speech. Let’s celebrate our pride in being British: our amazing culture, our unbreakable communities, our incredible heritage. Let’s stop all the woke nonsense that is holding us back. Let’s have a proper immigration policy that works for our country and protects our borders. Together, let’s make great things happen!

Reform is essential in these key areas:"

What's not to like?
Reform and Reclaim did an electoral pact but even with a "celebrity" candidate in one seat they barely made a ripple.
And they are likely to fare even worse come a "proper" election.
Their main function will be to take votes from the Tories, you would think
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Keep on running......away from the truth, it will eventually catch up with you.
Ha ha.
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Think it's time for the Tories to choose their next PM before it's too late . How about Jacob Rees Mogg I am sure he would win a lot of support at the GE from the red wall ... PMSL
The truth is Britain has not woken up. Sleep walking in circles.
Both sets of nationalist nut-jobs(i would prefer stronger terms,but AB wont let me),the Tories in England and the SNP up here in Scotland are doomed hopefully.However the Tory nationalists and the SNP nationalists on this site might disagree.
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17.03 Ynnafymmi..Have to agree .The Radicalised Tory supporters on here will have many years to sing the blues after the next GE .
Hopefully the SNP haters on this site will also have had their day,gulliver.The only way is up.Hopefully.
By"SNP haters",i mean the deluded SNP supporters on this site.
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Ynnafymmi 17.45 Oh dear. How far up are you thinking of ?
Quite the opposite. If you knew anything about polling

I can do the X bit. Recounts are applied for, and are triggered if they fulfil the conditions, but someone has to ask, sooooo

500 was close enough to trigger a recount if someone applied - presumably it has to be a candidate , and it has to be to the returning officer.

1964, or 1966 there was one constituency who elected with a majority of one - but when do you stop recounting?
All the nationalist neep-heids on this site,gulliver.Johnson is gone,Sturgeon is gone.Hell mend them,and their vocal supporters.
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What an achievement for Labour to overturn a 20,000 conservative majority at Selby by a young Lad.

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