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John Cleese To Gb News

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Khandro | 15:46 Thu 24th Aug 2023 | News
56 Answers
He's moving in with his own show next month 'no holds barred', though he's a bit of a 'remainer' as I remember, so that will be an interesting stance among his cohort of other GB News presenters.


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When some people get older they start ranting about how terrible it is that things are different than they were when they were young.

Cleese is one of those.
I really think Cleese has an illness that is causing him to make rash and stupid decisions.
Fawlty Towers reboot and now this.
He was shockingly bad in Hold the Sunset. It was obvious he was reading all his lines and being carried by the rest of the cast. A BBC series, but still he criticises the Beeb.
one of the tropes of our age is Cleese fulminating against how he'd be cancelled these days, just as he produces some new work demonstrating that nobody's cancelling him at all.

That's funny...
Not something I would want to see disappointed to miss something with Neil Oliver, he is always interesting and one of my favourite presenters. ( not bad to look at either)
Looking forward to it. I watch mostly gb news or talk TV.
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I think it might be decision they live to regret
nous allons voir
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Zacs Master, Gromit & to whom it may concern: your 'boring old farts' and 'as [sic] beens';

As GB News now has a much larger viewing audience than BBC or Sky news, which of the minority news outlets do you watch (if any) & which would you recommend to us please?
Read the room, Khandro.
//& which would you recommend to us please?//

Non of the above?
Are you joking about the size of GB News's audience, Khandro?
You certainly made me laugh.
He’ll have been reading his right wing rags again. Poor mite.
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'After being named the nation’s most loved news brand in a poll by Savanta, GB News has gone from strength to strength. Yesterday, the channel saw bumper ratings, beating out both Sky News and the BBC. It goes without saying, Talk TV wasn’t even in the running…

GB News beat Sky News for five and a half hours and it beat the BBC’s News channel for 7 hours and 15 minutes. Of course, it also beat Talk TV across the whole 24-hour period. Dan Wootton claims the top spot amongst GB News presenters, raking in 93,800 views in prime time, whilst Nigel Farage managed a respectable 83,100. Both Nigel and Dan beat out both the BBC and Sky News across individual periods. Meanwhile, Talk TV registered 0 viewers in three separate time slots.

Tom Newton Dunn’s graveyard shift managed a meagre 0.04% audience share, ending on just 200 viewers. Jacob Rees-Mogg, again, beat out Piers Morgan by over 10,000 more viewers.'
Well, Khandro, it’s not actually a poll from Savanta. Savants obtained its figures from BrandVue Media. Savants openly admit on their website that their methodology goes like this:
They find out which brands their respondents are aware of and ask those respondents what their opinion is of those brands. This generates something called a ‘Brand Love’ score. They then reduce the impact of the size of the brand by focusing on those that know the brands.
They further admit that only 51% of the population have even heard of GB news.

So what you’re saying is that a poll (which we all know aren’t the most scientific of opinion barometers) of half of the population who knew of the brand think it’s the best news outlet.

If you think that’s justification for your claim that GB news is the favoured news outlet, you should think again.
Cleese stopped paying maintenance to his ex-wife(wives?) in 2015 so I really don't understand why he is still touring the world with his one man show, planning a new sitcom, and taking on the GB News gig.
Maybe he is a work addict.
He is touring the US for the whole of October and November.
//I really don't understand why he is still touring the world with his one man show, planning a new sitcom, and taking on the GB News gig. //

Perhaps he's topping up his pension - or maybe he just likes working.
Khandro, you could perhaps look up the BARB figures before you repeat your claim. In any case, your claim rather overlooks how many watch news on BBC1, ITV etc.
Khandro’s post (or at least the source from which he quoted it) also ignores Savanta’s qualifying statements about GB News which are:

‘ Demographically, GB News performs particularly well amongst the 50+ age group, where they over-index versus the overall media landscape. Geographically, the brand is broadly less loved than the average media brand, but the North is much closer to the average than any other region’

‘ GB News also scores highly when it comes to those that say they ‘hate’ the brand’

‘ If we were to compare GB News to some of the other TV networks in the terrestrial and digital world, there’s some ground to make up: in the full Top 100, BBC, ITV, Sky and Channel 4 rank significantly higher than GB News’

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Zacs Master, All those words to avoid my question, come now, don't be coy; tell us which news channel you watch and would recommend, it's a simple request.
The words weren’t to avoid your question, Khandro. They were to prove it was worthless, just like your opinions.

Just to indulge your strange logic; I don’t have a favourite news source. I’m sure I would find it rather constricting of my world view and your right wing bias would seem to confirm that.
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wiggle wiggle

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