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Us Election: The Question’s In The Link

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ichkeria | 07:33 Mon 09th Oct 2023 | News
17 Answers

The guy is completely hatstand and can't win but who could he damage more?



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"If it becomes a choice between Trump and Kennedy, that's a really tough question," says Sherri Guoan. "In a perfect world, I would love for them to run together."

what a terrifying thought. 

Perhaps she means she would love them to run away together.

He'll be a magnet for the anyone-but-Trump wavering voters.

I doubt he will make much difference to either Dems or GOP.  As you saiy Ick he is a bit off the rails.

Trump was well off the rails, and he didn't do too badly.

^^^ Always one.

Thank god for that beacon of light that is Joe Biden 

The shiny couple pictured (the Guoans) say it all really. They've migrated from 'old school Kennedy Democrat.......  to Trump.

The US electorate is floundering. The days of more moderate candidates such as Elizabeth Warren/Pete Buttigeg/Bernie Sanders have long gone. We're now left with whoever shouts loudest.

'Who can he damage more?'  Probably anybody who sticks their head up and tries to aim for the 'reasonable' vote.

Sanders moderate?  Really?

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Indeed Sanders was no moderate.

I had heard that Kennedy might try to go against Biden for the Democratic nomination. Which would be bad news if only for the risk he might actually get it. But potentially less bad news in that it might open the way for others to stick their had over the parapet and do the unthinkable. However although he won't win as an independent, he is a high profile name, and might well affect the result.

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Running on an ancient family name and legacy does not make a candidate viable.

I think he'll attract voters from both sides simply because of who he is.

Naomi - I think you are right, but hoping he is his father's son seems to be a waste of time.

Apparently he is attracting more from the right than the left. Presumably because of his conspiracy nuttiness.

The way the US system is, an indie has no chance. The name and provenance will help but he'll get nowhere.

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