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Canary42 | 16:32 Sun 17th Dec 2023 | News
39 Answers

I trust that all the naysayers, anti-vaxers, etc., who trivialise Covid-19 are cognisant of Derek Draper's experiences.  





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Who has trivialised it? I haven't seen anyone trivialising it.

no there are still some dumbheads knocking around saying the vaccine is worse than  the the disease.

the husband looks as though he was ventilated ( = v ill) and they followed up 15 000 with covid

1,500 were ventilated and had three times the readmission rate and mortality rate than the 13 500 who werent

which is kinda - if you are very ill with covid then you kinda stay very ill with the consequences, which is not really rocket science

thoughts for the fella

3 years of being mostly inactive is not good for the heart, you just cant win sometimes with a long illness that forces you to rest, or lack of energy to do otherwise. I hope he can overcome yet another setback.

Neil Oliver ( stone age archeologist and theorist) forr one: He said: "For the sake of freedom, yours and mine together, I will cheerfully risk catching Covid. 

He was an honorary member ( communicator, he put things so clearly) of a knobheads society of pointy headed intellectuals ( Royal Society of Edinburgh) and was asked to resign. He did

and dont forget dear Mrs Cheese - there have been billions of deaths  from covid vaccine - - no dear there havent



3 years of being mostly inactive

er I think he as inactive as he had long-covid.

There is some no-hoper on AB who refuses the vaccine and wd risk re-covid as it is better - - god help us all

That poor man.  

Peter Pedant, 16.40.  You have no idea of other people's experiences of either the vaccine or the disease.  Wind your neck in.

I thought some of Boris' problems were because he had long covid - but you know , as some people say, I am insane so I am allowed to think outside the box

You have no idea of other people's experiences of either the vaccine or the disease.

sorry my love - I am MB BS and I have - wind your own neck back in.

The BS I believe.  You have no idea of other people's experiences.  

Your post is ridiculous.

There are all sorts of outcomes from most diseases. The overwhelming majority of people who contract, say, chicken pox make a full and uncomplicated recovery. However, complications can arise in the form of (among other things) pneumonia, encephalitis, haemorrhages or blood infections, including sepsis. These can occur even in otherwise fit and healthy patients.

So it is with Covid. The vast majority of those infected suffer no serious symptoms (in fact many suffer no symptoms at all) and recover fully and quickly. Unfortunately a very small minority don't.

Covid is no different to any other viral infection - except in the ridiculous way it was approached by this country and most of the rest of the world. Mr Draper's circumstances are tragic but I imagine there are many people who are left with similar symptoms as a result of contracting the virus (though we don't hear of them because they are not married to a well known personality). But similarly there are people who have been left with life changing conditions from a multitude of other diseases from which most people make a full recovery.

The big difference is that there a few people (probably none) who have suffered illness and deprivation as a result of the way those other diseases are dealt with. But there are certainly many - probably more than were affected by the disease itself - who have seen their lives changed because of the manner in which the country dealt with Covid.

NJ so you have repeated the same over and over the past 2/3 years. It just so happens theres been a little more focus on this one person due to the long time he was in a coma. Before he was taken down with covid he was indeed a fully fit healthy person. Its not that strange to focus on someone thats suffering illness, whatever that illness maybe. I dont think anyone is making covid appear to be worse than anything else.

A relevant page (I feel) from yesterday on the BBC website:

We're not out of the woods yet, it seems!

We never will be out of the woods.  Like flu and colds it's now a fact of life.  Not affecting most people as it was in the beginning though.  We just have to live with it.  No big deal - as sqad would say.

"Your post is ridiculous"

Sums it up nicely.

Last weekend I had what I thought was a cold, the symptoms were of a cold, it felt like a cold, and it lasted 3 days.

Last weekend I was at an Xmas do with mates, and two of them have phoned me and said I've given them Covid - not in an arsey way, but they've put 2 and 2 together and come up 5.

I didn't test for Covid because (a) it felt like a cold (b) I don't have any testing kits and (c) even if I did why would I test for Covid for something that felt like a cold?

For the vast vast majority of people now Covid is little more than a cold.

It's a tradegy for Ms Garroway and her family, but like it or not her husband is the exception that proves the rule.

Covid is at best now an inconvenience and no worse than a cold.

So Canary's post is indeed ridiculous.

Also, only last week, Canary said he'd welcome a new lockdown. That speaks volumes.

"So Canary's post is indeed ridiculous." - yep that's his forte!

-- answer removed --

The usual  'I'm all right jacks' off again I see.

For "I'm alright Jacks" read people that have a grasp on reality.

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