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Why Have I Been Homeless For 20 Years.....?

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ToraToraTora | 09:35 Thu 08th Feb 2024 | News
21 Answers

I think I know! Another moron who thinks the world owes him something.

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The style of life you live is entirely down to your own actions unless you have some genuine disability. If your job doesnt pay enough work more hours or get a better paying one.
17:50 Thu 08th Feb 2024

"Why have I been homeless for twenty years? Why are there rats in my flat?"

Make up your mind fella, you're either homeless or you have a rat-infested flat.

He's been homeless for 20 years.....and has rats in his flat?!?

I think he has bats in his belfry....

Whatever his genuine grievances, he's gone the wrong way about expressing them.

If he's been homeless for 20 years it started under a Labour government, why is he targetting a Tory MP.

Terrible man, whinging all the time about how he's unfairly treated by those in charge.

Now who does that remind me of   😀 😀 😀

What a wally.  I'm pleased they got him.

I though muslims were behind all the threats to MPS according to a thread on here a couple of weeks ago!

You couldn't have read the whole thread, Redhelen, - or perhaps you read it selectively.  Jo Cox was mentioned - and she wasn't murdered by a Muslim.

I assume his 20 years of homelessness ended when he was allocated a rat infested flat. Maybe he should consider why, in that time, he hadn't improved things for himself. He could also ask his local authority why they hadn't acted earlier too.

Cure his homelessness - put him in jail!

Oh I read it Naomi and saw the usual hate mongering and I also noticed that Jo Cox got a sideline mention.

It gave me a very good insight into those that hold themselves in high esteem.

Redhelen, if you noticed a reference to Jo Cox and her murderer, your 09.54 post makes no sense.  But not to worry.  It's not relevant to this thread anyway.

// or perhaps you read it selectively//

Standard practice for the nasty left.  Dont worry RH I am sure many have a big opinion about you too.

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Redhelen? The clue is in the name YMB!

Great headlines to get a reaction . But, as none of us know the background of this mans life, maybe we shouldn't be too quick to judge .

Surely you're not picking on someone, TTT.....?

Not you, the most maligned ABer in the history of AB.....

Or are you retaliating against something that RedHelen has(n't) said about you?

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There is quite a bit of info in the link anne. Obviously a work shy layabout who blames everyone but himself for everything.

This is when I leave the thread when ttt spouts his wisdom . 

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Yes the truth can be uncomfortable for those un prepared to hear it.

The style of life you live is entirely down to your own actions unless you have some genuine disability. If your job doesnt pay enough work more hours or get a better paying one.

17.50 who rattled your cage?

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Why Have I Been Homeless For 20 Years.....?

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