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Time To Get Rid Of This Bunch Of Gravy Train Scroungers.

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gulliver1 | 09:27 Sat 16th Mar 2024 | News
50 Answers

Peers are set to rake in £54.000 a year TAX FREE as their allowances rise to £360 a day (and the House only sits for six and a half hours)  Probably with a two hour lunch break and two one hour coffee breaks . Get rid !



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To put these rates in context:

"According to Checkatrade's Plumber Cost Guide, in 2023 a plumber's day rate is typically in the range between £325 and £375, with an average of £347.50."

"The average cost for hiring an electrician in the UK per day is around £350 – £450"

Some of these members have no skills or qualifications of course, but some are specialists in certain fields, such as law (often judges) acting as Law Lords, business leaders like Lord Sugar or ex ministers like David Blunkett

Jesus wished I got £360 for every nap taken a day. Does it have to be a full blown sleep, or just a few mins snoozzz,🤣

Have you got any qualifications that the House of Lords needs or any skills that would make you a candidate for Sunak or Keir to appoint you though nicebloke?

It is a gravy train for some but others do take the role seriously

You will have to consult DCIs case book. Mind you St Thomas is just over the road just in case they have problems stiring any of them back to life.🤣🤣

Rather than work out what you're on about I'll sign off and go for a coffee and teacake, nicebloke

The present set up of the HoL is not justifed in any way except by those in it and those hoping to be in it. Get rid.

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Ladybirder 10.20 How  about time to change your 99,99999999% of your moaning miserable replies.

Checkatrade is a load of cobblers and their average prices. They will take any so called trader on providing they pay the yearly fee. Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what or in this case, who your going to get.🤣

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11.02 ""Mr NiceBloke ,Agree with you.....The HOL is a load of cobblers.

But I  never knew they were  chosen via "Checkatrade" 🤣.

"To me.... to you."

Must get out and wind up my enigma🤣 yes gully cobblers for cash.

Isnt the UK one of the most over-governed country in the world.Pretendy parliaments in Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland.A government in London governing over a disconnected populace.We need less government,not more.Wheres Oliver Cromwell when we need him most?

//Wheres Oliver Cromwell when we need him most?//


That turned out well.

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Mr NiceBloke 11,25 "Cobblers for cash "Agree... the HOL  and the present Tory Govt have the whole of the UK by the cobblers at the moment.

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YFM 11.29 Think Guy Fawkes is needed at the moment with this present bunch of Cons.

^Something else that turned out well. 

HOL@ cash for

Please be patient, average response times 3/4 years :0)

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It,s not just these Peers in the HOL that have had this 5.5% pay rise Sunak and the MPs have had the same.  Sunak needs this pay rise though, a his personal wealth has dropped from £79m down to 59m. Since his wife has had to start  paying tax. He will be shopping at Lidl soon .

How the hell is he going to be able to carry on heating that swimming pool with a drop in income? poor chap it must be tuff.

Gulliver, does it bother you that Kier Starmer is worth millions?  Personally I couldnt care less.

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