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That Video Of “Kate”

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smurfchops | 22:17 Tue 19th Mar 2024 | News
43 Answers

Sorry but it looks nothing like her.. or William.  I think they have hired lookalikes from an Agency.  What do you think?



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I did remark to the boss as we watched the news tonight that she looked a bit thin compared to her usual perfection. 😍

I don't know what surgery Kate had but I have had abdominal surgery with a 10 day hospital stay. After six weeks I was walking across fields no problem. The farm shop is on a paved road a short walk from their house. They go there often and apparently little notice is taken of any of the Family when they are out and about. This whole Kate missing is because people have too much time to spend chasing conspiracy theories

Pretty much anything that happens nowadays comes with a conspiracy theory. What a load of rowlokks it all is.

For all any of us know the poor woman probably had cervical cancer and has had a hysterectomy. It's none of our business.

..and people wonder why Harry and Meghan got out. Jeez.

I'm not one to get involved in conspiracy theories, but I don't believe that is Kate.
People may be used to seeing the Royal Family in that shop, but with all the recent hooha about her health and the doctored photo I can't believe people wouldn't have taken more notice of her. 
Also, those terrible shoes, socks and leggings. Her hair is not right either. 

If there's any fakery about that video, I guarantee it will originate from The Sun or whoever supplied it to them. 

It will not be from the royals.

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why not, they do their own photo shopping

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This is nonsense surely? Lookalikes?? Why would they do that. And the "people" are plainly not looking because they're thinking "oh it's the doubles again" let's take no notice" 😂😂😂

If it wasn't Kate the palace would have said so.

If it was fake they would have made sure there were more paps there.


Woman recovering from abdominal surgery nips down to the farm shop...

The girl in the Sun video looks a lot thinner than she did in the "photoshopped" picture. She seems to have lost a lot of weight inside a week! I didn't think it looked like Kate.

well... Charlotte bronte wrote to a friend 1848 " I cannot bring myself to  tell Papa" - about Anne's death in Scarborough. So I commented 150 y later -   so what did  she do?

Hire an Anne  Bronte look-alike and then  say when  they arrived back - " My sister Anne is very tired Papa, she is  going  straight to her  room"

People look at me as tho I were mad ( I am not)


//People look at me as tho I were mad ( I am not)//

Have you been tested?

I wanted to give them some peace but I can tell you the photo is completely fake.  

the Princess looks a bit gaunt

( face lift added in  - really I dont think)

but this is to be expected after an operation ( catabolic as the nutritionalists say)

Hip hip hooray for wills keeping the family afloat during all this

Woman recovering from abdominal surgery nips down to the farm shop...

Nation breathes a sigh of relief, and tears flow

wills doing his stuff and batting questions about his deah wife.

"how's the trouble and strife, wills?"  ( TTT rhyming slang geddit???)

" well, she can't be here: I have chained her to a radiator"

Is "Kate", Kate?

you know there was a Part II philosophy question (final exam for finkers at Cambridge, third year. v.v. hard etc)

Is 'John' the same as John ? - it invited a discussion about kripke's ( yeah the one in west side story) Naming and Necessity. The 43rd President of the US o A cd be anyone in multiple worlds, but Trump as 43 rd President, limits it to one.

no really, I am not mad


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