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Is The Oft Repeated Canard That Labour Is Weak On Defence...

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sandyRoe | 13:47 Mon 03rd Jun 2024 | News
17 Answers

...a dead duck in view of SKS's recent speech on defence?

His sentiments could be summed up in this song:

We don't want to fight them

But by jingo if we do

We've got the men 

We've got the ships(submarines now)

We've got the money too.



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thanks to one Lord Tennyson... Half a league, half a league,Half a league onward, All in the Valley of Death    Rode what’s left of the British Army."Forward, the only Regiment!We can’t afford the guns!" he said:Into the Valley of Death    Rode the six thousand left "Forward, the Light Brigade!"Was there a man dismay’d?Not tho’ the soldiers knew    Some...
14:17 Mon 03rd Jun 2024

" view of SKS's recent speech on defence?"

Do you really believe what politicians tell you? Especially during an election campaign whilst they are togged up in pristine overalls and a hard hat during a tour of tinned fruit factory in Cleethorpes? 

Are there any faries at tthe bottom of your garden?

Question Author

If a politician told me day was night I'd look out of  the nearest window to check.

But general election campaigns are interesting and add greatly to the gaiety of nations.   Well, our nation.

Who the heck uses the word "canard" these days 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Do you wear frock coats & have big side whiskers?

Ill-mannered varlet, begone lest ye be horsewhipped!

Question Author

I heard 'canard' listening to a speech by Jacob Rees Smog.

Tis a word that needs reviving, in my opinion.

thanks to one Lord Tennyson...


Half a league, half a league,

Half a league onward, All in the Valley of Death    

Rode what’s left of the British Army.

"Forward, the only Regiment!

We can’t afford the guns!" he said:

Into the Valley of Death    

Rode the six thousand left


"Forward, the Light Brigade!"

Was there a man dismay’d?

Not tho’ the soldiers knew    

Some one in the MoD had blunder’d:    

Nothing new there, noreply,    

Theirs not to reason why,    

Theirs but to fart around and die:    

Into the Valley of Death   

Rode the six thousand left.


Cannon to right of them,

Drones to left of them,

Bazookas in front of them    

Volley’d and thunder’d;

Hardly a thing to use

Boldly they tried three tanks,

what hell, Into the jaws of Death,

Into Russian or Chinese Hell    

Rode the six thousand left.


Threw all their grenades bare,

Threw as they turn’d in air

The Airforce, two planes o’head

No bombs to drop on the enemy while

All the world wonder’d:

The US thinking we’re a load of jokes

Plunged in Player’s smoke

Right thro’ the line they tried to broke;

Chinese and Russian

Laughed at the use of sabre-strokes.    

Shatter’d and sunder’d.

Then they rode back, but not    

Not the six thousand.


Cannons to right of them,

Drones to left of them,

Bazookas and Ruskies behind them    

Volley’d and thunder’d;

Storm’d at with shot and shell,

While tank and jeep fell,

They thought that had fought with now’t

Came thro’ the jaws of Death,

Back from Military Hell,

All that was left of them,   

Less than six hundred.



When can their glory fade?

O the prancing Trooping the Colour

All the world wonder’d.

The Atomic Bomb the Russians made!

Nothing to Honour, not even a Brigade,    

The MoD Budget flat as a pancake

Our MPs have been on the take.

What an efffing state.

Canard? That's a duck isn't it?

Aye but Wellard is a dog.

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Canard...dead duck, a play on words, yes.

well I work for canard every day

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You're a fool to yourself, Johnny 5

The bosses won't thank you for knocking your pan in.  Take it easy.

“But general election campaigns are interesting and add greatly to the gaiety of nations.”

All I think they do is take he electorate for fools and demonstrate that no politician is to be trusted. There should be no election campaigns. The parties can publish their manifestos and voters can file it under “fiction” in their libraries. If the politicians want to visit biscuit factories and sheet metal works (if they can find any that will have them) good luck to them. But no TV cameras.

  “Who the heck uses the word "canard" these days”

I do, dave. It’s a lovely word. I think it’s better than “a load of old bow locks.”

Tis strange but over the last 250 years us Brits have managed to depose(or kill)four major dictators in this world-Napoleon(who died licking wallpaper,i believe),Kaiser Bill,Hitler and old Galitari in the Argentine.The world owes us Brits a helluva lot,wouldnt you say?

we supported Pinochet, the Iranian Shah, the house of Saud and apartheid South Africa though... 

"we"?Speak for yourself.I,and the great majority of this country never supported any of these crazy,fascist regimes."we"?Speak for yourself only mate.

YNNAFYMMI, what roles did you, personally, play in the defeats of the four dictators you mentioned?

I went back in my time machine,TCL.What did you do?

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