Victoria Wood Talking About Tea To...
Film, Media & TV1 min ago
Yes I am generally a Tory and did agree with some nationalisation but NOT water. Time to take water back into public ownership by force. They are up to their eyeballs because they've just given it away to share holders etc. Gawd elp us I sound like a lefty but in this area I do think Labour should do what they are famous for and nationalise water without compensation, they've had enough dosh out of us.
OG, "As far as I am aware [water bills] were never based on estimates."
"How is your water bill calculated?
If you don't have a water meter, you will pay an unmeasured charge. This is often made up of a standing charge and a charge that varies.
You can have an unmeasured charge based on one of these things:
a flat rate charge
Assessed Volume Charge
the rateable value of the property.
Flat rate charge
Some water companies will charge a flat rate for everyone, wherever they live and whatever property they live in.
Assessed Volume Charge
Assessed Volume Charge is usually based on the size and type of the property or the number of occupants. It can sometimes be offered instead of a meter, if you've asked for one and it's not possible to fit one at your property.
Charges based on the rateable value of the property
Before April 1990, every property in England and Wales was given a rateable value. This was based on how much the property could be let for. Some water bills are charged as a percentage of this rateable value. The amount varies from one water company to another."