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gulliver1 | 12:19 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | News
30 Answers

Will the benches in The Commons have to be rearranged to seat all the Labour MPs ?.Labour will have too many members to sit on the  Government Benches.  And the Tories, too  few to fill the opposition party .Will some of the Tory opposition benches have to be removed and added  on to the present Government Benches...Just asking😎.



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Jacob Rees Mogg won't be sprawling along the benches any more so that will free up a couple of spaces.
22:06 Tue 09th Jul 2024

This is a question that could only be asked by someone who does not have a clue.

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Tomus...22.06  Nice one ..Best Answer

According to the Parliament's website, Starmer's first PMQs as PM will be on 24th July.

The number of MPs hasn't changed.   
The size of the room hadn't changed.  
The number of seats hasn't changed.   
Therefore they will all fit in.

There is room for 427 to sit in the Chamber but I doubt there's enough room for the other 223 to fit in.

Therefore they will all fit in.

yeah but they are meant to sit on opposite  sides of the house, not er in each others laps !

All you have to remember Gulliver is whatever happens in PMQs, you have to comment here the the PM tore the leader of the opposition "a new one". You have a responsibility to continue traditions.

The main white opposition was the Rhodesia Party, associated with veteran liberal politician (and former district Assembly member) Dr Ahrn Palley.[6] In the 1974 general election, Dr Palley came within 3 votes of taking Salisbury (City) from the RF

yeah the fella who had his  own spot in  the assembly of Rhodeia was  Dr Paley

13.34, that sounds like toddler-speak.  What are you trying to say?

PMDO - prime minister's day off -  because there are no relevant to ask and answer for someone who is new in the job  that week.   - rather thweet I  thought.

(  James Cleverley when he as told of the chaos  and drugs in the immigraton  holding  centres, seems to  have commented - o god I am gonna be out of a  job in a few weeks, ask  someone else)


no questions relevant to ask and asnwer for someone new in the jjob.... sozza getting too excited

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Peter Pedant 23.03 "They are meant to sit opposite sides of the house "  Seems Only you and I know that on this post.

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