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Did You Know That This Week Is Net Zero Week?

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naomi24 | 18:00 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

I didn't - but an email from British Gas has just told me - and asked me what I'm going to do for it.  My answer is nothing.  What are you going to do to for it?




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Burn some old tyres and dump a sack of plastic pellets in the sea.

I will call it India day 

Why is BG interested in immigration ?

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I think they're trying to sell me a new super-duper boiler or something like that, OG.

Given the weather, I'm going to fire-up the patio heater and enjoy a few beers under it.

Net zero.

8-(2**(Log 1000))

That's my contribution.

ok here's an easier one: (26*25!)/26!

I haven't used any petrol this week.

What am I going to do for it? Niet zero! It's just a mythical load of money-making cobblers anyway. 

TTT - I think you might have made a mistake in your second puzzle.

Calm down Bhg, TTT wears his Y fronts on the outside of his trousers and has self proclaimed super powers.

Tut, tut, now please behave 🤣

Yes TTT needed a -1 at the end. End of.

or simply a - instead of the /

Oh. You two are so cruel, how will TTT ever show his face again?

The shame, the shame😓

06:37 Yes forgot the -1, oops, that's what happens after the second bottle of vino collapso!

ShadowMod knows to shame.

Eh? The T is nowhere near the N.

'no shame'

shadowmod?? You been on IRN BRU doug?

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Did You Know That This Week Is Net Zero Week?

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