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Good Afternoon Non Worm Catchers

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calmck | 16:31 Thu 11th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

As Smow is probably busy getting ready for her journey tomorrow thought I might try an afternoon hello.

Summer has arrived here 28 today though still with a cold wind. Sent grandson off for 2 days with his dad. Then did a bank transfer and put a comma, which we do here, instead of a full stop and pressed send!! Fortunately the bank picked up the error the same time as I did and transfer cancelled!!

I was reminded of Smows upcoming train ride as I also booked for granddaughter and me to return to the north. Think the system here should be on long distance trains in the UK. Book on line chose date destination and time, confirm senior and teenage discount fares, change your assigned seats if you want different ones, pay and receive confirmation receipt. No one stands on inter city trains here, no ticket barriers. Find your assigned seat, sit down and show conductor ID used to book.

Hope your weather is good and you are having a good afternoon



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you can book seats on the train here

Everything you mention can be done here, too.

except "no ticket barriers!"

Question Author

How come there are so many complaints of people having to stand for their journeys and the trains being very overcrowded

Good afternoon all.  I bet smow is really excited about her visit.

because people dont bother to book their tickets, or turn up early/late and get a different train.

Last time i went to london, i didnt buy the tix till the day.  I had a seat going out, but not coming back (because it was rush hour)

Afternoon all, wet and windy and cold here.  Tesco delivery, driver had to park half a mile away due to much need roadworks.  I live in a cul-de-sac and no traffic can reach us. We are marrooned.

I always book seats on trains, no problems and no extra charge.  

To be fair. You can book a seat but if someone's in it the conductors will do FA about it.

Sitting in a sunny Swedish garden, makes a change from a soggy Swedish garden over the last few days☔️

We visited a museum earlier that had some amazing sculptures and watercolours, and had a very nice lunch.

Now just about to have our evening meal which is sandwich cake and various accompaniments, followed by a yellow cake. Preceded by Gin Gold, and eaten with some wine or other. 
Had a meal out in Marstrant last night, and will have another meal out tomorrow evening in a place where something ABBA was filmed 🇸🇪 ❤️

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