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Ain't So Easy Is It Rodders?

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ToraToraTora | 11:32 Sat 13th Jul 2024 | News
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So how long will the government be blaming the previous one for their incompetance?



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Not so long ago there were still Tories blaming Labour.

This new Labour administration have Augean Stables to clean out and they shouldn't be afraid to say where the muck came from in the first place.

They will blame the previous gov for as long as they think people will believe it.

or maybe longer....

Blame rests with the previous government forever.  We still have people blaming Margaret Thatcher - 40 years down the line.  I was under the impression that Starmer & Co had all the answers - but perhaps not.

So you voted Labour then, Naomi? 😄

To all rabid right-wingers on AB, the appalling state of the country must be entirely due to the current Labour government - after all they have been in power for more than a week now.

Why must you describe people whose politics don't align with your own as "rabid". I think I know who is rabid 🙄

Who is claiming that Hymie? More made up nonsense.

No, clarion.  That's just the impression I got.  I didn't say I believed them.  

The only mistake SK has made so far that I can see is calling the last government, a government.🤣 It will take a while to get through that very large slice of humble pie. Keep trying🤣🤣

"Sir Keir used the article to list what his government has done in the first week - saying they have lifted the ban on onshore wind,..."

They have also imposed a ban on the extraction of fossil fuels in the UK. Whether they like itt or not, fossil fuels, particularly gas, but to a lesser extent oil, will play a major part in the UK's economy mix for the forseeable future. Banning their extraction here simply means they will have to be shipped from elsewhere.

"....met with NHS bosses to work towards creating more appointments,"

Why do NHS bosses need the Prime Minister to help them create more appointments? Surely that's their job and they should know more about the health service than a former barrister.

"...implemented "emergency measures" to fix the justice system"

These measures being the early release of thousands of prisoners. Strangely during he last Labour term of office the prison population in England & Wales rose relentlessly from around 61k in 1997 to to over 85k when they left office in 2010. I don't recall any "crisis" being announced either by the outgoing Labour administration during the last few years of their tenure or by the incoming Coalition. Nor do I recall the Blair/Brown administration announcing a prison building programme, despite it being obvious that the prison population was rising exponentially throughout their stewardship. Now, it seems, with just a few thousand more in prison than in 2010, the prisons must be emptied. 

"....and scrapped the Rwanda scheme."

The Rwanda scheme was stupid and was never likely to facilitate any illegal immigrants being removed - a claim I repeated often throughout its troubled passage through Parliament. What the country needs from Mr Starmer is an alternative proposal for stemming the tide of small boats, but short of a rebadged "border force" it seems nothing has been forthcoming. He may have been only in office for a week, but he and his party have known for some time that they were likely to form the next government. I would have thought they would have had some ideas to tackle an issue which troubles many of the electorate considerably.

There has been a hell of a lot of incompetance since 2019, I reckon they could still be complaining about it at Christmas.

Well, if you can put aside Brexit and the problems related to that, Coronavirus pandemic with  crowded beaches and people saying,''nobody is telling me what to do''  .The food shortages because of the war in Ukraine and then the energy crisis . Now the cost of living ,rents and mortgages rising.People not wanting to go back into offices ,doctors striking, railway workers moaning.  HS2 had to be changed because of financial troubles.There are lots of other problems, too numerous to mention.Is it any wonder we are in a mess.

But you have to feel sorry 😥 for all those thousands of  'poor' people struggling out to Germany to watch a game of football. Tickets changing hands for hundreds of pounds. Not to mention the cost of accommodation .  So some of us must have done alright over the past few years.                Now it's time for Saint Starmer to wave his magic wand and put his money where his mouth is!                                                                             



"So some of us must have done alright over the past few years."

Indeed, Andres. Most people have done alright but you don't see them on the telly. You only see the few who haven't queuing up at food banks. They would not have done well, whoever was in government.

"Now it's time for Saint Starmer to wave his magic wand and put his money where his mouth is!"

The trouble is he will be putting our money where the mouth is of those shouting loudest about the "injustice" of it all. 

One of the first thing Starmer should be looking at is the massive state benefits system.A lot of times i think there are more people on benefits than there are working.Up here in Scotland there are 200,000 16-25 year olds economically inactive.God knows what it is like in the rest of the country.

^^ Very true NJ,, I was being sarcastic.

Realistically, there is about 1 years sweet spot when you can blame the last govt. I still blame my previous job incumbent about two years later when I muck up but I don't think anyone still believes me

  Labour are still in a honeymoon period, and Starmer has done and said decent things. They are a breath of fresh air after the  Conservative self serving schemers who had five PMs in 14 years. He is entitled to blame the last government but it is just life that in time he will get blamed for his parties mistakes.

It's already wearing thin.  I can't wait until he actually does some of the things he says, one being that he's going to "smash the criminal gangs" who send us the illegals.  I wonder when he's going to do this, next week or the week after?

I don't blame a government for what needs doing after a week. But it would have been nice if during that first week they didn't appear to be making things worse with every statement and act they made/did; and seem determined to prove the worst fears of those most critical of them.

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