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Southgate Resigns

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Ken4155 | 11:13 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | News
29 Answers

No link, just heard on local radio that Gareth Southgate has resigned.



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Thanks, both. I wish him all the very best in whatever he chooses to do. Despite some dodgy performances, of late, he has been England's best (and most successful) manager for quite some time.

Well he has that on his CV now 😉

Nice bloke and a very good man manager but very tactically naive!

England could've won at least two trophies if he hadn't been so negative in his selections and substitutions, the squad of players that he had at his disposal was second to none, but he chose to play the wrong players in the wrong system.

Thanks Gareth, but you fell short due to your tactics!

Here's me thinking that we could now forget football for a time. Get ready for weeks of.. who's it going to be, are they up to the job, will they bring it home? Oh god HELP!!!!!!

I really liked what the Prince of Wales said to him.  I think it summed it up nicely.

"Gareth, I want to thank you - not as the President of the FA, but as an England fan.

Thank you for creating a team that stands shoulder to shoulder with the world’s finest in 2024. Thank you for showing humility, compassion, and true leadership under the most intense pressure and scrutiny. And thank you for being an all-round class act.

You should be incredibly proud of what you’ve achieved. W."

^That was nice.

I find that quite moving.

A lovely tribute from Prince William.

There will probably be a vacancy for Gareth advertising Walker's Crisps since Lineker seems to be putting his feet in all the wrong places.

saintpeter: "Nice bloke and a very good man manager but very tactically naive!" - so naive that he's the best we've had since Ramsey and in my opinon better. What an idiotic comment. Statistically he's the best in history by results and it's results that count.

I didn't always agree with his methods, but it's very easy to manage the national side from my sofa.

I wish him well for the future.

It just amazes me how many keyboard warriors know the tactics of the game so much better than the most successful manager in history.

Is he deserving of a knighthood?

14:01 no more or less than other sportsmen that have them.

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I actually doubt he'll be knighted, Sandy. He's definitely made a big improvement on our national team, but he didn't win any silverware.

Some sort of minor honour will possibly be bestowed upon him, i think.

" naive that he's the best we've had since Ramsey and in my opinon better."

Nah nah nah. Sam Allerdyce. 100% win record. You can't get better than that!  🤣

yeah right oh judge!

It seemed he had very talented footballers in the squad. (Very nice lads, apparently)

But, from the bits I could bear to watch, no one on the pitch did anything. I felt that once England scored to equalise they were hanging on for a penalty shootout. Which they have become better at.
Southgate is all about being a nice guy, which is wonderful, but it doesn't win trophies. 

Man Utd's next manager when Ten Hag has a bad start to the seaon.   

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