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Am I Going Nuts? Another Answer Box Has Disappeared

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jourdain2 | 21:16 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | News
8 Answers


This time on naomi's thread about Trump and Sinead- had just made (I think) a pertinent comment.  I've checked 4 times now. What's going on?


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You're not nuts, well not as far as that thread is concerned anyway. 😊

Maybe it's been paused to let the boggle-eyed fetch a cold flannel.

The thread's there but it's been closed. Possibly because it's done that News section where posters have stopped talking about the subject and instead started calling each other name.


It's been said before that closing off the answer box is easily done if a mod looks in on the thread and clicks on the wrong Tom Jones once said, it's not unusual.

I don't think the last poster, Sinead-O is a mod though, although anything is possible (Will Young?)

Perhaps those fickle fingers could do with a course on focus and accuracy. 🙂

I've re-opened it, no idea who closed it

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Ta, barry. Busy on short story now, but will come back.  Odd.

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