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Israel And Hezbollah Edge Closer To All-Out War

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naomi24 | 11:44 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | News
2 Answers

//As the war in Gaza grinds on, there are growing fears another Middle East war may erupt - with devastating consequences for the region, and beyond. 

 If this conflict escalates to all-out war, it could dwarf the destruction in Gaza, draw in Iranian-backed militias in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, spread embers around the Middle East and embroil the US. Iran itself could intervene directly.

The United Nations has warned of a “catastrophe beyond imagination”. //


A frightening prospect.



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Excellent, Israel can wipe those scum out too.

It was inevitable.  Hezbollah will know Israel is weakened if fighting on two fronts so will fancy their chances.  

However not so sure the IDF will hold back with them in the slightest.

I'm not so sure its a frightening prospect, just the ME being the ME.  You have highlighted worse case scenario there.

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Israel And Hezbollah Edge Closer To All-Out War

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