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If The Young Gunman Who Attempted To Assassinate...

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sandyRoe | 15:41 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | News
23 Answers

...Trump had gone for a chest shot would the world of American politics be much changed?



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Some say schoolboy error.

Not if Trump wears a bullet-proof vest. Heads are unprotected bu harder to hit.

I'm sure I've read that any contact with a solid body part, bone or whatever, transfers the energy of the round with devastating consequences.

Ears not so much, obviously.

The Secret Service people should never have allowed this to happen.  The shooter was visible and had been pointed out to the SS guys. It was very lax security.


if trump had been killed then i think the republican movement would have fractured and descended into infighting between rival groups. he had not yet appointed his VP and had no obvious successor.

who says he didn't? He was a very poor shot apparently.

I don't know about politics, but violence would have escalated 

“…who says he didn't? He was a very poor shot apparently.”

What surprises me is that he got anywhere near his target at all.

Whilst it seems overwhelmingly likely that Mr Trump was the intended target, one thing has puzzled me from the beginning. The shooter was said to be “bear crawling” on a sloping roof. From the photographs I have seen it seems that he fired his rifle without using a bipod support or even a sling. Reports I have read say he was around 120m distant from Trump. At that distance, with his target centred, the end of his rifle has only to move one millimetre off target as he fired and he will miss by around 350mm (over a foot).

When you see on TV or film, a sniper with a telescopic sight, aiming perfectly steadily  at his target, it is all smoke and mirrors. A very small movement of the rifle results in a very large error at any sort of distance. This guy was using an unsupported rifle having just bear crawled across a roof. He would probably have been breathing heavily which would affect his aim (watch the winter sports biathlon and see how long it takes a competitor to steady himself after the exertions of skiing). If he did manage to hold a rifle steady in those circumstances he was a very good shot indeed. It seems he fired eight rounds, only one of which got to his intended target.  I think Mr Trump was unlucky to have been hit at all. 

There are always lots of 'ifs' but this (which I put up on another post) seems the biggest;

He was almost murderd because of health & safety ! ;

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle said in an interview Tuesday a decision was made to put local law enforcement inside the building — that gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks later climbed on top of to shoot former President Donald Trump — instead of the rooftop due to the “safety factor” of putting someone on a “sloped roof.”

Cheatle told ABC News, according to an excerpt that the Daily Mail published:

That building, in particular, has a sloped roof at its highest point. And, so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof…And, so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building from inside.

This woman has no real experience of police protection yet has this highly important job. I have read that her main concern is getting a much higher percentage of women into the security service by 2030.


As advised, we have no way of answering some of the important questions raised by this appalling situation - 

Whether Mr Trump's survival was a matter of blind luck, what motivated the shooter, did he act alone, and so on and so forth.

I am away working at the moment, so only have access to Sky News in the evening, but am following with interest.

Hopefully more information will come to light as time goes on, we shall have to wait and see.

DEI hires Khandro, will be the end of the West as we know it.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was a bodyguard shot Trump - like they did Kennedy!

who says he didn't? He was a very poor shot apparently.

better at Maff, than shooting.

any army people around? AK 15 is high velocity and the animations are here

In the seventies the medical students asked the  schools for lectures in 'war medicine' - IRA bomb campaign. 

Low velocity - the bullet  expends all its energy and stops somewhere ( 1/2 mv2 and  all that) - and it works out that if you are threatened with a pistol ( low velocity reader!) you should run ( er away) because you have a decent chace of surviving - and they become very inaccurate very quicklyj.k,

so Luger ( info from internet) bullet 10g, muzzle  velocity 300m/s 0 - energy 450J

AK15 ( says 10g)- velocity 1000 m/s  - energy 5000 - if the bullet  stops  in the tissues. It may  not.


so it rips a huge tunnel of tissue apart. and  you can be winged and still be injured. Actualy I  am surprised his ear wasnt ripped off.

In the seventies, they used to shoot ( anesthetised) pigs or huge blocks of gelatine

[this is proper post. Dont delete it because you cant understand a fooing word]

bullet mass goes around in grains( 1 gr = 60mg). I cdnt believe it

-- answer removed --

I was thinking this


Red and Green Life Machine Rick Jolly - describes a marine with a high  velocity injury whose face wasnt  blown away.

They concluded he had opened his mouth and the bullet track was from inside the mouth OUT of his cheek.

Oh come on, it was only 45 y ago !


@18.39.Im with you dave.No way Oswald shot Kennedy,no way this spotty herbert tried to kill Trump.Im convinced(and im not joking),the Illuminati are behind all this.

Had the gunman chosen a chest/body target then we would indeed be having a diffent conversation. I remember reading  that the IRA taught their gunmen to aim for the "large target", to ensure a hit, and resist the Holywood shot. I wonder if that is true. 

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Isn't aiming for the centre of the visible mass standard practice. in all armies? I suppose the IRA would have done the same.

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