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Will This Photo Define History ?

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Khandro | 12:38 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | News
46 Answers

I think it might;



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n. I think untitled grew up with The Bash Street Kids v. Lord Snooty & his Gang in The Beano. He hasn't moved on other than renaming them, Socialists v. Fascists. 😄  

Is dan rather a member of the "deranged left"? 

here is what he said:

"A few people have asked why I vehemently oppose Trump. Let me make this perfectly clear. It's not about politics. I've voted for both parties. It's about me, as a patriot, rejecting a cheating, lying, racist, treasonous, fascist, and vile man who attacks the free press, and wants to lead the country I love. It's really that simple."


Yet he provides no evidence whatsoever to back up his hollow rhetoric.  Name calling isn't very grown up, especially for a 92-year old media personality.

Dan Rather talking about a"free press" is a complete joke- he is one of the most notoriously biased journalists in America.  Trump doesn't cosy up to the media, and they don't like it.  That's one of the reasons he is so popular.

It will always be an iconic picture, not sure it defines anything though.

Spungle, the communists that advocate violence will label anything that doesnt agree with their little bubble view.

It's like a little child repeating a new word so just smile at it like you would a small toddler and dont engage it in any meaningful discussion as it isnt capable.

Untitled, 14.43.  That's not even a respectable piece of journalism.  It's an ill-composed, hate-filled, unhinged rant. 

“It’s really that simple “.....You really are.

Donald trump has advocated violence against his opponents for years and his team wishes to replace the entire government with appointees who swear a personal oath of loyalty to him. the republicans promote a cult of personality around him and his supreme court has ruled that a president is above the law when commiting "official actions"... when he lost the last election he attempted to stay in power using force and has not ruled out doing the same thing if he loses this year's election. "Project 2025" is a programme for turning the USA into a nationalist dictatorship which would reduce the constitution to a dead letter.

wakey wakey!! if that isn't fascism then i don't know what is! what else are we supposed to call a person who stands for all these things? the real problem here is not me calling a spade a spade... it is that some of you agree with these things and do not like to be called what you actually are. 

the point is naomi that is not just fringe lefties who are calling trump a fascist but mainstream figures. it is a legitimate thing to say and i decline your requests to stop.

and yes Rather does hate fascism. everybody should. the reason that you don't is because you are sympathetic to it.

Untitled, I'll excuse your rudeness on the grounds that you're revealing to all an immature, adolescent mindset.

do you still support him naomi?



It's a mess.  I dislike intensely the religious overtones that Trump is bringing into his campaign - God he ain't - and Biden is clearly mentally unfit for office.   I find it incredible that the great nation that is the United States of America has no one better to offer than these two candidates.  What I don't look forward to is another five years of witch hunts.  If Trump wins, which is looking more and more likely, I hope they allow some peace to be brought to the proceedings by accepting the result and allowing him get on with the job - but they won't.   

I'd say the photographer deserves a big hand but I know Don is sensitive about stuff like that.

It's funny listening to lefties like untitled going on about fascism when we are in the grip of nouveau fascists like him. Trump is a bit like Bojo, people accuse him of telling porkies yet no one seems ever to be able to come up withj an example. Hilarious

I think the photo could 'define history'.  The first thing to cross my mind when I saw it was 'Marianne'.  A painting by Delacroix defining the French Revolution and which is still very pertinent in France.

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Another photo which defined history was this, which really ended the war in Viet Nam;

Yes, that had the same impact, Khandro.

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