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Spare A Thought For All Those.....

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10ClarionSt | 06:38 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

....emergency personnel involved in that accident on the A61. They have to clean it up. Remove the mangled bodies of those poor children, then go home as if it was just a normal working day. Someone then has to go and tell family members the bad news. A friend of mine used to be a Grade 1 Traffic Officer many years ago. He said he had to do all of that lots of times and it got to the stage where he just couldn't do it any more. He told me of the things he had to do as part of the investigations and it aint good folks. He finally quit after another horrific accident that he had to investigate. Maybe we don't think about the aftermath, but it has it's impact in many ways.



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So, so sad  .... a lovely looking family and our thoughts must go to the little girl who has lost her parents and sisters. x


this incident was one of only 2 that accounted for 10 fatalities over the weekend (the other was near Cheltenham). society routinely tolerates these appalling events because (in its eyes) the benefit of being able to travel where you want, when you want, outweighs most other considerations. the traffic engineers might tinker with the odd road layout, but the driver mind won't be altered and at the end of the day the killing will go on.

It's very sad. That poor girl. I hope she's got other family to look after her. 

I rode motorbikes most of my adult life but am unlucky enough to live near a popular bikers ride out.  I avoid those roads in the summer since the dreadful accident I was involved in some years ago.  It seems every sunny weekend another biker is in a serious crash.

So many people affected by one incident and the aftermath 

Traumatic. I still have flashbacks.  I don't know how people cope working with that day in, day out.

I do so on a daily basis 10C.

My son inlaw is a highly qualified rescue paramedic, he dangles from helicopters, abseils down cliff faces, cuts cars to pieces to try and save people.

Sometimes he has to bag bodies.

I don't know how he deals with the trauma he sees on a daily basis, I couldn't, thank goodness some can.

Oz, what a wonderful man your son-in-law is.

I feel sorry for my grand daughter Clover, with a paramedic father and a mother that's a teacher she will never get to throw a "sickie" and get a day off school 😏

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Thanks for the replies folks. There's some really great people out there. It doesn't bear thinking about, some of the things they have to face as part of their job. 

Shocking, anyone any idea what happened? Normally if a car collides with a bike the bikers end up dead not the people in the car. Must have been one hell of contact.

I'm sure I read that the car burst in to flames. 

It did, Barry.  It was a Ford Focus.  

Thanks, naomi, I couldn't find a link that mentioned the fire and I had read about several nasty traffic incidents lately.

You can see the aftermath, captioned "After the crash", on the link @06:50 ...

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