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Picture Quiz - Sportsman ?

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Jane59 | 07:57 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | Sport
3 Answers

I posted the image below  in the quizzes and puzzles section a few days ago but no replies to date.

Looking very closely at the image it looks like he has part of  the "three lions" logo is on his shirt. So I am wondering if he might be a sportsman possibly cricketer?.

Can anyone put a name to the person. Thanks




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It looks a bit like Jimmy Anderson would look after a few rough nights. He does play a bit of golf so it's possible.

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Thanks newmodarmy for your suggestion. I have looked at a lot of online pictures of Jimmy Anderson - I don't think it is him though.

Definitely not Jimmy Anderson. I recognise the face but just can't put a name to it. I had an idea that he was a Scandinavian golfer but I'm unable to find him and the reverse image search tools haven't managed to find him either. I'll keep trying.

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Picture Quiz - Sportsman ?

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