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"After You, Claud." "No, After You, Cecil."

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sandyRoe | 13:25 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | News
11 Answers

PMQT needs passion, fire, blood and guts.

What did the PM and the leader of the opposition think they were doing?  Civility has its place but surely not in the bearpit that is question time.



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It's their first exchange, it'll be back to normal after a few sessions.

Honeymoon period (except for Labour MPs who don't toe the party line).

If it's the shape of things to come then maybe people will raise their opinion of politicians.  No need for aggression when one side has a stonking majority 

Its high time we had a bit of civility back in HOP after all the hostility between aerosols like Johnson and Corbyn.

Do you remember Corbyn and Cameron at PMQ?  It was like two kids pretending to have a debate in school.  The PMQ session we have just seen is only a warm up.  It will soon descend into slagging soon, it always does.  Maybe once Rishi has departed - Dame Priti will be no pushover. 

Well to be fair what would you want Rishi to take him to task over, it's only been a couple of weeks and apart from stopping Rwanda the rest has been hot air so far.

It will heat up, Nigel is there in the wings to taunt both of them!

I agree with ynnaf..... I spent a lot of time at school (wet lunch breaks etc.) reading old copies of all sorts including parliamentary debates between Gladstone and Disraeli.  They were conducted in a civilised fashion, no recourse to 'slagging off', but points were made definitively.  Civility does not preclude debate and 'holding one's corner'.

Must say. PMQs was far better today seeing the Tories on the Opposition Benches ...They lost they had to "Belt Up".

reading old copies of   parliamentary debates between Gladstone and Disraeli. 

blimey which school did you go to?

the only quote I can give is 1867 - "you see before you gentlemen a row of extinct volcanoes....."(D) - and of a ministry which had run out of ideas. 

our school library just didnt have anything like that. 

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Wasn't there something about having aces up ones sleeve and believing God put them there?

For PP.  I went to a good Yorkshire Grammar school.  The annex was the Victorian home of a local wool magnate (my dad helped to shoulder his coffin at his funeral).  The huge, L-shaped main room downstairs had housed his library and this was incorporated into the 6th form Library.  There were bound copies of 'Punch' well back into the 19thC and lots of other wonders. I spent  happy hours and more happy hours delving into them aged 16 and 17 (I was a year young for 11+).  I learned so much. Just wish I could access them now.

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"After You, Claud." "No, After You, Cecil."

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