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Do You Think If Someone Ran Over And Killed Another Person For Littering, Would That Person Be Insane?

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Cindy1302 | 23:55 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | How it Works
7 Answers

Like do you think they'd go to prison or mental hospital?


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You might go to one of them.

Nice one OG.

What a silly question. 

How would random strangers on here know whether or not a hypthetical person who exists only in your imagination is insane? 

If it was like extreme littering like, say, the bombing of Dresden then, like, yeah, of course.



Like, umm, but, yes, but no, even though littering is terrible.

How should society deal with the people that post inane questions on websites?

Prison or mental hospital?

Hmm, that's food for thought🤔

I realise abbey, treacle and cindy are not the same person, lozzy. but there are definite similarities in outlook on life.


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