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Has Kamala Rattled Donald's Cage?

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sandyRoe | 08:47 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | News
4 Answers

He's described her as a dangerous left-winger who would try and impose crazy Californian standards on the rest of the US.

She's a former Attorney General of California, hardly a position a liberal lefty could attain.

Just more balderdash from Trump?



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I do not think anyone should write Harris off. She is a fresh face and with momentum and the support of the female vote,the black vote, and the young, she could beat Trump.
16:08 Sat 27th Jul 2024

I don't believe she has a chance of catching up, but it'd be foolish of Trump not to try to ensure it.

I don't think so, just standard politicking. The Don is a shoe in anyway, she has no chance.

She's taken radical leftist positions, sandyRoe, including when she endorsed scrapping private health insurance for a government-run system. She praised policing reform, including redirecting law-enforcement budgets to other priorities. She endorsed decriminalising undocumented entry into the US and entertained abolishing Ice, the immigration and customs enforcement agency. She backed the sweeping Green New Deal environmental legislation and supported a ban on off-shore drilling.  All these bear the hallmarks of a crazy left-winger.

I do not think anyone should write Harris off. She is a fresh face and with momentum and the support of the female vote,the black vote, and the young, she could beat Trump.

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