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It Looks Like Libraries And Foodbanks Are Being Targeted Now

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pastafreak | 12:43 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | News
34 Answers

OK...just go ahead and burn cities to the ground. It's not your home, schools, place of business or job.



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This bunch don't appear to have attacked mosques or specifically shops owned by Muslims.  Their destruction was random.  


I think JNO's comment about libraries closing was more about the Tory "austerity" programme. Maybe I'm wrong.


"This bunch don't appear to have attacked mosques or specifically shops owned by Muslims.  Their destruction was random.  "

the library in liverpool was burned because the rioters attempted to attack a mosque and were repelled by police... likewise many of them have been attacking mosques and muslim owned businesses or trying to break into hotels which have asylum seekers in them (for what purpose? to beat them up or murder them i suspect) 

I didn't see that in the report, untitled.  Are you sure it's the same bunch?


"A mob of around 300 people then began to assemble near County Road Mosque in Walton at around 8.30pm after far-right social media channels called for people to gather there during the evening.

Bricks and fireworks were hurled at officers holding riot shields while bins were regularly set on fire. The masked rioters then began targeting local businesses. At one stage a dad pleaded with masked thugs not to burn a terraced shop so his children were safe.

The Spellow Library and Community Hub library, a 'one stop shop for one of the most deprived', was then set alight with flames visible inside the building within minutes. As firefighters arrived rioters attempted to stop them tackling the blaze, throwing a missile at the fire engine and breaking the rear window of the cab."

same people

Okay.  Thanks.

in tamworth a group of rioters attempted to set fires inside a holiday inn which had staff and asylum seekers inside. they wrote "efff ***is" on it. 

this isn't mindless. it is targeted. 

Yes, it is targetted - but it's still mindless.  What do they seriously believe it will achieve?

Maybe would-be illegal immigrants will get the message that they aren't going to be given a heroes welcome?

as davebro approvingly remarks, the goal is to intimidate. in the case of the tamworth holiday inn, the intent seems to have been to kill. 

// the intent seems to have been to kill. //


Untitled, don't let your imagination get the better of you.

what else would you call setting fire to a building full of people? because that is what they tried to do. 

Could be they wanted to deprive them of comfortable hotel accommodation.

oh really naomi. 

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