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We Can Blame All Our Problems On Mercury.....

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ToraToraTora | 15:53 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | News
9 Answers

Another load of drivel from the wonderful world of total row locks!



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5000 instagram followers? - pah! lightweight

I thought this post would be about mercury fillings in our teeth.  It's said it's not good for the brain 🧠 

do you have a lot of them sandy?

Not at all.

Everyone knows that when Mercury is in retrograde then anti-patriots who care not for the people's opinion will gain power, and there will be weeping there, and a gnashing of teeth, as riots spread throughout the land.

........and the rivers will flow with blood and the seas will boil .......

My teeth are plastic now, no need for mercury fillings anymore.

My simple mobile phone which as never given me problems has suddenly gone into 'Emergency' mode for 2 days & I can't get it out.   Could it be ?

'Yes, it could.  Something's coming, it's not good'  (apologies to West Side Story lyricist).


There you go Gully, it's Mercury's fault after all.

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We Can Blame All Our Problems On Mercury.....

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