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Do Councils Just Sit There Dreaming Up Ways To Annoy People?

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ToraToraTora | 10:27 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | News
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"They could just undo the cable or mesh they are attached to, paint the bridge and put them back."

It wouldn't take that long to remove the cables and allow the padlocks to fall off, assuming none is  rusted to them.

How long would it take to thread thousands of padlocks back on the cables and at what cost?

What disruption would be caused during the time taken to put the padlocks back on?

Is the weight of those padlocks a safety risk?

Yes they do, they are an absolute waste of space. Run by jumped up idiots who wouldn't last 5 minutes in a job out in the real world. 

Open a cafe and gift shop adjacent the bridge, sell and engrave locks, colour code them and remove every 5 years. Only allow official Weir Bridge love locks on the bridge.

That will create a few jobs and keep the wierdos who like to fix a lock on a bridge happy.




diversity jobsworth box tickers, whole swathes of useless council jobs, take recycling for example, it's actually chaos where i live, used to collect garden waste now its a subscription only, even worse for businesses schools etc, a single wrong item and they won't collect, every three weeks for black bags, and only three bags, net 0 ehhh.

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