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Sharia for U.K

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nailedit | 00:13 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | News
9 Answers

@ 0.12

"Sharia for U.K."

How about get lost with your backward religious laws.

No wonder theres riots going on right now. My own city of Stoke had a Saturday of carnage (I know, I was there filming it...) Not one muslim was arrested despite been on film throwing bricks or ignited fireworks at protesters and police. And yet white English people were been arrested etc. I myself...who was only filming the a policewoman shoving me in my face with a riot shield even after I explained that I was only filming and not part of the protest.

(Any ABers on my FB page, I can send you the link)




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Any muslim apologist on here that really want to have sharia?

You must be mad...


they already have sharia in the UK. But the sharia councils deal mostly with religious matters, they can't override UK law.

two-tier policing.

Don't panic, Keir has it under control.

Don't the religious matters have something to say on everything ?


A ban on overriding UK law can prove limiting if the members are convinced they mustn't bring an issue to the attention of the UK authorities but instead deal with it internally.

got a policewoman shoving me in my face with a riot shield even after I explained that I was only filming and not part of the protest.

then she disbelieved you Nailedit - you MUST have had that before !

of course er - you DID film the muslims throwing stones?

they already have sharia in the UK. But the sharia councils deal mostly with religious matters, they can't override UK law.

usually with arbitration, then you cant go back to the courts - I think you can here ( so sharia courts here isnt arbitration)

Divorce is obviously contentious - esp as some systems demand alimony before the divorce is recognised ( and I think never recognised here UNLESS done abroad)

bit of a nightmare

sorry taking this subject seriously, alway a danger on AB

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