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An Unofficial Ab Poll

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sandyRoe | 17:06 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

I've been using the sobriquet Stephen Waxy-Lemon to describe you know who.

Some here have said it's becoming tiresome so I've decided to ask my fellow ABers to select another title I could use if I mention him again.

First, his real name: Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.

Or: Tommy Robinson.  This is the name he uses to try and distance himself from his criminal past.

Or: Our Tommee.

This is the affectionate name used by his legion of followers.

What say you?




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Hugh Jarse?

keep it if you like it. I don't take any notice of the moaners on here in fact it makes me do it all the more. If I may, you've made a tactitcal error revealing that you give a thrupney what others think.

I never know why posters change names of prominent people - or National newspapers come to that.  I can only imagine they think they're being everso clever.  

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I thought I was being everso clever.

I probably need a critical friend to rein me in.  

Attention seekers, Naomi.

Whoa Neddy! 🐎

If I may, you've made a tactittical error - or a boob!

By and large keep away from them - every time I see Sir Beer, I think god what a twit ! I cant think of many names for Prime ministers - the only one I can think of is Fanny in the 1890s


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I don't much care. Used to strange substitutions on AB.

The supposedly amusing acronyms irritate me far more than the supposedly amusing name changes.

Well, given that hardly anyone of a right leaning stance calls the PM by his given name, I don't see why you should change it if you don't want to. 

I consider a more appropriate move to be to ignore the 🔔🔚 and stop giving him and his knuckle dragging fans the attention they so crave.

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An Unofficial Ab Poll

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