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Looks Like Rodders Has Made An Enemy.....

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ToraToraTora | 13:41 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | News
18 Answers

The problem with twitface is that it's there forever, you can make a stupid remark down the pub and few hear it and it's gone. With social media it can haunt your forever.



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Agreed. I haven't used Twitter in years, and certainly have no intention of ever using it again. I wonder why the South African born American Elon Musk cares about British politics though.

he cares because of the PM using social media (of which he is an owner) as specific in his speeches about the current situation

for example, this just lifted from sky news:

"Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer says social networks are not a “not a law-free zone” and that the government will need to "look more broadly at social media" later on"

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14:07 oooo fighting talk!

So what's he going to do, bar it in the UK ? Shades of Russia, China, N.Korea there.

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on the one hand I would be happy if none of that cess pitery existed on the other it's very dictatorial to ban it. I hope people eventually wake up to what insidious things twitface el al are.

Musk cosied up with Sunak in the spring and then Sunak called a badly timed election and was out on his ear. On election Starmer cancelled £7Bn in AI contracts. Guess who was getting a big chunk of that?

Think he really cares about that Gromit?  Pocket change to him and besides there will be plenty of other takers.

#twotierkier (or more likley some labour oik) made a big mistake taking on Musk.  Musk really doesnt care - he doesnt have to.

Musk, wealth circa $218Bn made on the open market making real products

SIR Kier Starmer (Socialist) worth circa 7.7 million - never had a job that wasnt paid for by the public.

Funny- when Farage posts something on social media, Gromit explodes.  When its a Labour MP doing it, it's Sunak's fault!



Musk, wealth circa $218Bn made on the open market making real products

SIR Kier Starmer (Socialist) worth circa 7.7 million - never had a job that wasnt paid for by the public.//


But his dad was a tool maker.

//The problem with twitface is that it's there forever//

Same for anything on tinternet. Any stupid shizzle you've said on AB is also there forever. 

Will it be here forever that I think Elon Musk is a jerk?

Is he a member Hoppy? Anyone here got a Tesla?

I despise him since those boys got stuck in an underwater cave in the far east. His behaviour was atrocious.

Musk got a start with his father's money, the same as Trump. They weren't toolmakers, of course, so that's okay.

// When its a Labour MP doing it, it's Sunak's fault! //

I have not said it is Sunak's fault. It is obviously the fault of the idiot who posted.   
Not sure Musk's move in publishing Tweets that the user has removed is good for his business. Why would anyone continue to use a service if they know the owner can and will resurrect old posts to politically embarrass them and hurt their reputation.  
Twitter is a cess pool and people who think they need it to spread their message are fools.

Since Musk bought Twitter advertising revenue is down 50% and it has lost 20% of its users. Keep up the good work Elon 😂

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