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Is Banksy Aiding Criminals To Get Rich?

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Gromit | 19:48 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | News
21 Answers

Or is something else happening?

The street cartoonist has done 6 graffitis in London this week.   
Not surprisingly, 3 have already been stolen by men in black balaclavas (or the artist himself) after days of publicity. Presumably they will resurface in American acution houses for $millions.

Inside job boosting his market value?

I cannot help but think we are being played by a wealthy, manipulative attention seeker, to boost his bank balance and boost his own ego.

Anyone agree?




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I've never really see why he's so revered anyway, all he does is daub simple drawings using a stencil.

If they surface at an auction house won't the law investigate seller, buyer, and said auction house ?

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They sell for £millions.   
Maybe I am being cynical but his latest batch have been on very easily stealable surfaces - satellite dishes, bill boards, abandoned walls.   
Massive publicity for a day, then they disappear.

I think we are being played.

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Have they been reported stolen?

This is on a par with - did the children in the latest School in Gaza bomb themselves ?


Must be AB on an overheated Satursday

gromit: "TTT,   They sell for £millions.   " - I know and I can't see why.

"we are being played" - well those that shell out the dosh are but if they retain their value then they are a valid investment I suppose.

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I meant is the artist (Banksy) in on the scam?

Possibly but why would he? He can just go and knock them out at will. If dopey yank wants a banksy for $1m go there and paint him one on his lounge wall! Kerching!

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Sorry TTT,    
You don't get it.    
That is not how Banksy artwork works.

Banksy artwork works because people are stupid and rich.

All it takes is two to start a 'thing' and those and such as those have to get in on it.

you are correct, I don't get it!

I'd not know if it's been reported, but someone has had them taken away from them, and it has been recorded in some instances, so it should be.

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// All it takes is two to start a 'thing' and those and such as those have to get in on it. //

// someone has had them taken away from them, and it has been recorded in some instances, so it should be. //

Are you two at the same table drinking the same 'water of life' ?

Aye Gromit, the same table you joined us at to link Taylor Swift, Trump and islamists.

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Maybe it is lost in translation. What does    
// it takes is two to start a 'thing' and those and such as those have to get in on it. //.  
mean in English? 

It means 'furious backpedalling'. x

There's no business like show business. 

Strange (or not?) that there is always someone to witness the masked men 'stealing' them.


you are correct, I don't get it!

whilst we are at it TTT, there is quite a lot more, you dont get....

as for someone on hand - - er no.

you'd think he could afford some coloured paint by now....

Smart phones are common. There's always someone who can record during daylight hours if they've a mind to.

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