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They Are Going After Our Flag Now.....

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ToraToraTora | 13:14 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | News
8 Answers

They won't be happy until it's been replaced by some insipid trobsicite creation. Do other countries have these 5C activists stirring up hatred all the time?



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If this woman hates it here so much there are plenty of airports and ferry terminals with departures on a daily basis.  I suggest she takes one to a country better suited to her.

Sir Kier will no doubt be down on bended knee to here soon.  #twotierkier.

She wants us to be considerate?  To whom?  Half the problem is we've been too considerate.  On your bike madam!  Go preach elsewhere.

I have to agree.

Her opinion upon due consideration is worthless.

Why on earth do they give her airtime,what a melt.

Well, she should be allowed to air her warped views.  So long as we can call her out that is fine.

It's when people like #twotierkier start wanting to  introduce laws to stop us calling out people that the problem arises.

its trendy for champagne socialists to find a cause over brunch and spritzers, if it's not the flag it would be hanging flower baskets, it gives her the airtime she obviously craves, has to fill her time in between getting a manicure.

If she doesn't want it to be associated with the far right...then she,and anyone who opposes them, needs to take it back and fly it. Don't let  the far right own it.

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