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Mpox, Have We Learned Nothing From The Covid Crisis?

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ToraToraTora | 16:28 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | News
12 Answers

Why are we still allowing flights from the infected countries?



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If we closed the flights they would just hop on a small boat.


Question Author

yeah but It's a lot more difficult to get here that way.

whats the betting we have some cases here very soon

//but It's a lot more difficult to get here that way//

700 seemed to mange ok yesterday.

The one lesson we should have learned from the pandemic is that it is impossible to prevent the spread of an airborne disease unless you prevent every human being from coming into contact with every other human being.

Some countries imposed the most Draconian of measures aimed (as far as possible) at doing just that, and still Covid spread among their population.

The last thing this country (or indeed any other) needs at the moment is an over-reaction to a disease that few people are likely to contract and which is, from what I've read, whilst unpleasant, does not seem particularly dangerous anyway.

Did the policy Australia adopted save them from Covid?

During the epidemic they had very strict admission policies.

Novak Djokovic infected Australia allegedly 😀

Question Author

16:45 fair enough judge but surely obvious precautions should be taken, eg not allow flights from countries where it is known to be rife.

New Judge is, the Tora Whisperer.

Watch him calm a complete radge with a few well-chosen words. 😂

We had lots of cases of monkey pox here in 2022. 

// the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control said the risk from the mpox virus was "very low" in Europe. //

The science suggests that it is not comparable to covid19, and that he can therefore be dealt with differently.

//// New Judge is, the Tora Whisperer.////

😃  😃  😃  😃  😃  😃  😃  😃  😃  😃  😃  

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