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Don't Push It.........

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ToraToraTora | 13:26 Wed 14th Aug 2024 | News
18 Answers

Ok so he may have hoodwinked the IOC into letting him beat up women but he's having a turkish now. They let you punch women and gave you a gold medal. Take the win sunshine. 🥊👩



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I can't speak for Musk, but JKR does not have "issues", and it drives me up the wall the way she's described as "gender critical". What JKR does it state the undeniable fact that sex is immutable, and that it is unfair that TGs expect to be allowed in to women's spaces and it is most certainly unfair that TGs compete against women in sport. JKR's views chime with...
14:42 Wed 14th Aug 2024

Good luck to them with this. Hopefully legal proceedings will uncover exactly what they are genetically.

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That's already clear mozz, XY, it's just the plumbing that's different, Swyer syndrome.

Then with a little luck, some parameters can be established as to whether their boxing career can be allowed to continue. I admire Khelif's tenacity in chasing something they consider wrong. They are obviously fiercely convinced of their own feminine identity to take it this far.

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who's they? It's one person.

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"They are obviously fiercely convinced of their own feminine identity to take it this far." - perlease, he knows the score but he can't believe his luck that he exists in an era where so many people can be conned to let him fight women. In any other era he'd have been told to get a grip.

Rubbish. In any other era they would have been accepted as genetically female because they were born and raised as female and have all the outwardly female parts.

I'm sure Messrs. Musk and Rowling are quaking in their boots at the thought of being disciplined for expressing their thoughts. 

This amused me from the report:

"Khelif said in response to the abuse: "I send a message to all the people of the world to uphold the Olympic principles and the Olympic Charter, to refrain from bullying all athletes. Because this has effects, massive effects. It can destroy people, it can kill people's thoughts, spirit and mind. It can divide people. And because of that, I ask them to refrain from bullying."

Khelif obviously enjoys a massive physical  advantage over female opponents in the boxing ring. Whether this comes from an excess of testosterone or the presence of male chromosomes - or anything else for that matter - makes no difference. It is clear that advantage did not come from a bit more weight training than the "traditional" female opponents who participated managed to put in.

A competition is supposed to be fair. Any advantages that can be gained must be firstly legal and secondly available to all competitors. Whatever the cause of Khelif's dysmorphia, it is either illegal or not available to all competitors. So, unfortunate as it is, partipation in women's events should not be available. 

It seems a bit rich for someone who clearly has these unfair physical advantages and who uses them in a physical contest where the principle aim is to hurt one's opponent, to accuse somebody who expresses their views on the activity as a "bully". 



Khelif said in response to the abuse: "I send a message to all the people of the world to uphold the Olympic principles and the Olympic Charter, to refrain from bullying all athletes. Because this has effects, massive effects. It can destroy people, it can kill people's thoughts, spirit and mind. It can divide people. And because of that, I ask them to refrain from bullying."

Have we seen the outwardly female parts then? We don't consider breasts an outwardly female part? I find the men who stick up for this person most irritating, if Imane wants the world to know she's all woman then call her a she.

Khelif - The boxer who went up the mountain as a man and came down as a woman."; / X

Elon Musk has been battling with his own transgender daughter for years. He seems to have a personal vendetta against transgenders. 

Joanne Rowling also has issues in her past.

Good luck to Imane. 


I can't speak for Musk, but JKR does not have "issues", and it drives me up the wall the way she's described as "gender critical".


What JKR does it state the undeniable fact that sex is immutable, and that it is unfair that TGs expect to be allowed in to women's spaces and it is most certainly unfair that TGs compete against women in sport.


JKR's views chime with the views of the vast majority the population. The TG lobby, Stonewall and the achingly right-on may not like this, but it is a fact.

deskdiary - Absolutely spot on.

You only have to observe how the men surrounding Khelif interact with him to see that they believe he is a man. They wouldn't hug a woman and parade her around on their shoulders like they did with him after he cheated his way to the gold medal.

She won the gold, end of. Some people don't know to quit when they're ahead.

It will be a nice bit of kharma if she stirs up such a shtstorm that it gets reviewed and rescinded.

If she was to marry and have a family would some still consider her a man?

This isn't about trans as such though.


I doubt either will have posted anything that would pass as unlawful. Time will tell, but I think the accuser is just opting to pay a large chunk to their lawyer and for the court costs.

Prudie 14:10, the only reason I use "they" when talking about Imane Khelif is to avoid leaving another topic for argument for anyone willing to take it. 


And no, personally I haven't seen Khelif naked, nor do I want to. It's been long established that she is not trans, and was born and raised as a female in Algeria, a country were changing your birth gender is illegal.

It's not about TRans for goddnes sake.

Its becasue Khelif has a XY, how difficult is that to understand?  Unless you dont understand basic biology or hate women I suppose.

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