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gulliver1 | 11:17 Thu 15th Aug 2024 | News
32 Answers

The British public would vote by a sizable margin to rejoin the EU if a referendum was held now. Acccording to a new Nationwide poll. .YouGove. 😎Go for it Sir Keir. Do it Now 😎.



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Inciting division. Isn't that a major crime these days ?

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13.20 EU!

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OG I think you are on the wrong post ...try and rewind yourself.

Unfortunately for you, no, right thread.

no-one asked me,and i would still vote out

I'm fed up with the whole thing, and was my hands of all of it.

Don’t the people who voted for Brexit and now realise what an absolute disaster it is for the UK; know that we’ve made our decision, and in the name of democracy, Brexit can never be undone (it is sacrosanct) no matter if 100% of the population want it undone.

//Don’t the people who voted for Brexit and now realise what an absolute disaster it is for the UK//

I don't & it isn't.

IF (and it's a huge IF) this or any future government were to propose rejoining the EU & honestly put the conditions for such a move to the people I think the vote would be against it.


Agreed davebro.  We are doing better than Germany and others economically.  We just need civil servants to start expediting what was voted for instead of finding problems and dragging their fet re. cutting ties.  Unlikely with current attitudes, I'm afraid.

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Has anyone ever been asked and answered one of these miraculous polls.

Continuing to claim disaster isn't going to magically change it into one.


Granted the post-Brexit relationship is far from ideal, and idiocy like the Irish Sea border splitting the nation needs removing, but it was not Brexit that caused that, but it was a necessary capitulation needed to get the EU to agree to any progress; and a reluctance from successive gutless UK governments to force the issue since, at least so far.


Looking back, a 'no deal' Brexit doesn't look as if it would have been a bad option, but we are where we are, and now need to work on progressing from here; not being foolish enough to try turning back to being a vassal state of the EU. The signs so far aren't bad. Check the newspapers for UK economy information.

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