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I love animals but...
13:11 Fri 16th Aug 2024

Cow got him though.


Down here (Bournemouth) someone was done for that recently.


I don't want to try to understand what makes anyone do that

Guess the cow wasnt in the moood

Perhaps he just wanted to Beef friends.

I love animals but...

I'll be closing this in a minute while I consider if it should remain and if so, which category is suitable. 


I've asked the Spare Ed to move this thread to News so until that happens, treat this thread as if it's in News which means no childish jokes.

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Oh, sorry...didn't see the "childish jokes" warning!

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No childish jokes! 

So that ends my "he got the horn" joke then.

If you can't see the funny side of something as bizarre as this then there's no hope for you 😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  

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Agree Nailedit.  Might swap BA to your latest one.

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Probably the right decision to turn his attentions away from the bull.


You never know, he may have found the bull more amenable.

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