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Do You Complain To Companies And Organisations More Because Of Email And Social Media?

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barry1010 | 09:57 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

I do.  I have just emailed the CEO of Tesco as my query has been ignored twice on their Twitter account and I want an answer.  In this instance I would put pen to paper, complete with stamp.

It is very easy and convenient to complain using a keyboard and I usually get an excellent response.  I would not have bothered if I had to make a phone call or send a letter.

I must add though that I also post good reviews and let companies know on their social media accounts if I have had exceptional service.

If you are a keyboard complainer would you bother to complain if you had to send a letter?



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Not had much to complain about recently. My main gripes are with the housing assn. which is the freeholder of my flat - service provision / repairs / costs / etc. I usually email them.

Not sent a letter for ages.

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The last time I sent a letter I paid for the stamp online, the postman collected it and brought the stamp with him.  Fab service but I rarely send letters

I wrote to the CEO of Tesco a couple of years ago about a complaint I had and am still waiting for a reply so don't build your hopes up.

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I live in hope, Shedman.


Yes, only today I've posted such a letter.

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Had you tried email and social media first, Canary?

No, I've found that's futile.

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I usually have great success via Twitter

I've not tried Twitter (now X), only Facebook. Perhaps I'll venture there if I don't get a response.

I always post a good online review if asked by the inevitable email asking 'how did we do?', as recently with Specsavers.

I also tell them when I've been disappointed, or worse.

I prefer to send a letter and keep a copy. If I phone I keep a written record of when, what was said, and if possible to whom I am speaking. I have found this very useful in the past and even been asked for copies of my notes.

Oh yes... And many years ago in a customer relations role I was taught that a lot of people will phone and complain in the heat of  anger,  the complaints to take seriously were the ones where a complainant had taken the time to raise the issue in writing.

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I have just received a very positive reply to my email, all quickly resolved so I'm a happy chap

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Calda, I keep written records of phone calls - proved essential a few years ago when I had to get the Ombudsman involved with the dispute with my energy supplier. I record those calls too - I always tell them they are being recorded 

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