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Presumably, after blotting their copybook, they walk free in France now ?

2000 Dangerous Convicts including Murderers are going to be set Free in a single day,according to GBN News.You couldn't make it up.😩

Cultural differences have infected highly educated and experienced judiciary.

I wonder if there's a lateral flow test for it or do we just give up and form militias, winner takes all.

Who walks around wearing a Rolex? I reckon it's an insurance scam.

they have to ration prison cells these days.

It pains me to say it but walking alone in Soho at 2 am. with expensive items on your person is just asking to be robbed. 

The perps should be automatically denied asylum & returned to wherever they originated forthwith (but it won't happen).

How did they see he was wearing a Rolex? They should have been deported.

Free in a single day,according to GBN News.You couldn't make it up.😩

you could: it is GBN news

How did they see he was wearing a Rolex? They should have been deported.

erm they look

"Look grandad, those two old men are wearing watches!" - I was one

going into Hospital to give trial blood: sozza all for the stupid possy one-liners - they fit in rather well, dont they?

A fave ploy of muggers is to stop a passer-by and ask them what time it is. So they see the watch....


//they have to ration prison cells these days.//

Plenty of room for 'political' prisoners though.

🥱 if life is that bad there, *** off to somewhere else.

It's not that difficult to do😉


What would they have received under Boris, Sunak, Truss and May?

If you mean in the UK - it's not "that bad" yet but it's gonna be if things carry on as they are.

//What would they have received under Boris, Sunak, Truss and May?//

What a stupid question. No one could ever know since they didnt have any riots. but under labour there is a clear two tier system, and not only in justice.


*** off to somewhere else.

It's not that difficult to do//

1.  Why should I leave my home land?

2. It actually is not that easy unless you are rich/young or have a wanted occupation.

Not a stupid question at all.

You are making the claim that the current government as doing things differently to the previous government that there is a 2 tier justice system.

In order to make that claim, I presume you have evidence.  So what would the similar crime received under a conservative government.

If you are unable to answer that then you are just blowing hot air.

//So what would the similar crime received under a conservative government.//

Cant you read?  As I said above there were no big riots that ended in rather excessive sentences (in comparison to others) so no one can know. Hence its a stupid question.

Weren't there riots in 2011?

I think draconian sentences were handed down to those convicted.

Who was in power then?



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