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Sprinter Set To Be First Transgender Paralympian

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naomi24 | 11:28 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | News
14 Answers

//The 50-year-old sprinter - who competes in the women's T12 classification, for athletes with visual impairments - transitioned in 2019.  Petrillo won 11 national titles in the male T12 category for athletes with visual impairment between 2015 and 2018.//


More madness.   Girls - you may as well give up.



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I just don't understand why those that run these things cannot see what is obvious to the rest of us. It's geezer with poor eyesight FGS! I feel for real sportswomen thes days.

female paralympic sport. the ideal refuge for old hasbeen male athletes.

I think if you have already competed in one gender then there should be no right to change.   And you know I am normally one of the first to come down on the side of identity above or at least equal to assigned birth gender.  I just think issues like this harm the cause of the rare cases of genuine gender dysphoria, most of those sufferers ( I use the term as it's a recognised medical condition) wouldn't want to draw attention to themselves, they just want the basic right to get on with their lives without harassment, and active discrimination.



Madness, indeed.


And I also wonder about the classifications in the Paralympics.

T12 is for athletes 'with visual impairment' , but to what degree exactly is the sight of the athletes impaired?  They surely can't all have the same amount of sight loss, so it follows that some will be able to see better than others and so have an advantage.

Same goes for other categories when the disability in question is not exactly the same for each athlete.

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Scroll down for a picture of Petrillo with female athletes.

Doesn't look like the oestrogen dose is high enough,   If a born male really is trans they usually want to take enough hormones to fully feminise their physique.  That would result in significant breast development and laying down fat on hips and bum.  This seems to me to be a cake and eat it case where the athlete has opted to keep the advantages of a male body type.    It's very different to natural oestrogen suppression in born women who over train leading to their natural testosterone becoming dominant.

A man who has cheated a woman out of a place in her sport.

It is wrong.

No shilly-shallying, no ifs and and buts.

It is wrong.

agree completely JTH. I dispair at those that seem unable to see what is obvious to most.

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Everyone can see it,TTT, but some pretend they can't.

It simply isn't right

Women have been crying out for equality with men for years - then when they get it they whinge. 


No pleasing some folk.



have a day off canary.

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canary, how is this 'equality'?

Far too many (men) hold the same opinion as canary. This is what makes the struggle against the drip-drip-drip of male encroachment into womens' spaces so difficult to stop.

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Sprinter Set To Be First Transgender Paralympian

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