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I'm No' Deid

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murraymints | 15:11 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
62 Answers

Hi folks   😀 a wee peep in just to say hi...  not been on for ages..hope you are all good and behaving life is poodling along, summer, such as it was seems to have gone and the nights are drawing in... still busy in the garden with lots to do before the close of season.. 

still got the long covid but just learning to live with it now.. I expect a few ABers have departed the earthly coil..I heard about Sqad....very sad and the world is a less interesting place without him...

Hope you are all nice !  xx



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Nice to see you.

May you have a good day.

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Thank you OG xx

Wow ! So glad to hear from you again Minty.

Hi Minty,

It's good to see you back.

Hi minty, missed you, wondered what happened!

It's nice to see you, even for a quick visit.

It's nice to know you are still busy in your garden.

Nothing much is happening here.😀




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Hi Canary xx Sandy xx TTT xx  


tbh just got totally peeeeeed off with a poster that was becoming unsufferable... it's a shame that one or two individuals , with a very high opinion of their own self importance can ruin something for many... but hey ho.. 


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Hi wolf xx Johnny xx 

Just ignore such posters, Minty - you can do it.  Good to see you back - why not stay awhile? x

Hi MM - sorry that you're still under the weather, but nice to see you back, even for a fleeting visit 🙂

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Hi Hazlinny xx  I expect the tom toms will work and the aforesaid PITA will reappear with the usual snide and snipe ! so perhaps not... but I will pop in and oot xx 

Nice to see you back Minty, you have been missed

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Hi LIK xx hope you are diddling ! 

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Hi Rosetta xx are you well well well ??  lol ..have to be a certain age to get the musical connection !!

God I've missed you 

Hi Minty, I was only thinking about you yesterday and wondering how you were. How's your wee cat ,Mia. Can't remember if I told you we have a cat who walked in the back door and st(r)ayed, I called her Madam. We can't imagine life without her now. Don't stay away so long this time

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Hi Hoppy xx awwwww xx

Hi Margo xx yes I remember you got a new boss! lol glad she is settled and ruling the roost..Mia is well and still very much my wee baby ! 

Hey Minty, good to see you back & well!..

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HI Sharon xx hows London ? hope you are well ...


Who's on the naughty step at the moment then ??

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I'm No' Deid

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