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sunny-dave | 00:34 Fri 23rd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

Jermaine Jenas & Huw Edwards to present a podcast together about being sacked by the BBC. 

To be titled Huw Jenas …



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Huge earners indeed. Where do they find these grubby little grabbers?



well my dears....

The beeb have read the offending texts wh  were disgusting beyond belief - un-mimsy is not bad enough to describe the depravity etc.

and fired him, summarily

and I think he said- dont you have to hear my side? -  which they do - - audi alteram partem and all  that jazz.

and I think a judge might say " yes they do"

all you do is hear his defence and then say you are still  fired

and as a mega footballer what he  wrote to groupies was carried over to Beeb fluffies

fluffies no like

Alderley edge case where hanger-on agreed to go to famous footballer's  house and then complained of rape - - 

and the jury wouldnt wear it - generally, what on earth did she expect? that is she had consented

perhaps it will be Jenas as Jesus !

In the light if recent scandals auntie beeb seems to be erring on the side of caution.

I'm sure that should've been posted in 'jokes'.

What's that smell? It's midnight oil being burnt by those bright young PR people.

Hopefully now unemployable despite grovelling of the worst kind. Thoughts and prayers etc.

I'm sure his family will stand by him until the settlement comes through.

Cringeworthy schoolboy level stuff from a pleb who's never heard the word 'no'

That link doesn't work.

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