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"What media?", not "What is media?"

If any media outlet was to claim that Harris is/was a slave trader, I’d expect the awarded damages to be in the multimillion dollar range (AB better watch out).

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no one is saying that hymie but she is descended.

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Show me a source that is not Stephen McCracken in the Ballymoney Chronicle. Anyone else is repeating that source for two different reasons:

1) trying to slur the Harris campaign 

2) trying to show how desperate the opposition to Harris is

//Orange turd v Slave Trader - should be fun!//


Seems to strongly suggest that one of the two presidential candidates is a slave trader.

There's no mileage in this story for the Republicans.  In fact quite the opposite.  Many black Americans know their history.  To try and link a victim of the brutality of slavery with slave ownership would be counterproductive.

Crass, utterly crass.

An enslaved blackwoman would have been raped by a white slavemaster and a couple of hundred years later an entitled white 'character' on a backwater web-forum uses that fact to gleefully point out........something.

For a man regularly telling us that he has a huge intellect, this must have developed at the expense of your emotional maturity; you are acting like a complete gonk.

Find another angle from which to try to diminish Harris - this is embarrassing.

Alternative heading for this thread. One of the 32 great-great-great-great grandparents of Kamala Harris might have been a slave owner. Doesn't really have the same impetus as the OP.

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I'm just addressing a news story that has been raised in the presidential race. It seems to have hit the right nerves though! I can just see the organic peace porridge pebble dashing the walls across the lefty communes! PMSl!

21.02 .Talking about turds.  Boris and Stanley Johnson are very quiet these days ..Where are they ?

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probably having dinner with Nicebloke and untitled.

Don't be so disingenuous.

Reporting the circumstances of this story is entirely different from gleefully posting it as a way to needle your political opponents - which is exactly what you have done.

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....and no one ever does that on here do they?

I think most afro/Caribbean folks here have slave descendants!! Not big news or shocking!!!

Well, even if this is true, she's still the defendant of a slave. Let's be honest, the slave trader wouldn't give a damn about the result of the rape.

>  It seems to have hit the right nerves though

No, just another snowball that has a chance in hell of landing ... 

Most people have the sense to realise when something ought to be left unsaid when trying to knock lumps out of their opponent.

*descendent. Damn autocorrect.

TTT, It might be a news story, but it is not a new story, the Trump campaign has been pushing it since 2019.

Once again you are using your own language in posts and expecting people to understand what you are talking about.

In general I would have no particular preference for Republican or Democrat in US elections, but  find it hard to believe how anyone can be in favour of Donald Trump.

Could you not find something to slag Labour about today, or no stupidity in The Chase?

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Kamala Harris Descended From A Slave Owner....oh Dear!

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