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78Yr Old Hunger Striker

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fender62 | 18:00 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | News
20 Answers

paul durant not a thug or right wing, protesting about illegal immigration and winter fuel allowance, will kneel starmer listen, i don't think so, sad reflection on governments who do not listen.



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Fender, just a reminder that nicknames shouldn't be used in titles and openings of questions in News.  I'll ask the Ed to amend yours.

un-mimsy fender ! that will teach you to post  a bit more !

He will do water and vits apparently - Gandhi used to do this - only fruit juice - - - The British didnt realise you can subsist indefinitely on fruit juice apparently

Won't worry Labour, plan A is to bump off the pensioners as it is.

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naomi, noted

Isn't he playing into the hands of those who would want fewer pensioners?

Debilitated by hunger, a cold snap could see him off.

Sad days indeed. How the UK has diminished itself by it’s own stupidity.

Yes, it would appear that the more OAPs who die, the merrier the Govt. will be.

Add to that that they are the demographic who mainly go to church............... a spokesman from the CofE says that it is not cost effective to heat churches once a week - so blankets should be provided for older parishoners........  Has anyone ever heard of the ill effects of breathing-in cold air and sitting still in the cold when you are old?

They want to kill us off.  

I call for a revolution everyone - 'Survive and Spite Them' can be our motto!

PS  We heat our church everyone - come one, come all.  :)

So labour do approve in assisted dying.

So it would seem, frip-frip! :)


Woeful excuse for a human being. (Stealer Starmer for the hard of thinking)

It's a rather pointless protest as Starmer & his crew will just laugh at the "silly old codger" (but not in public).

Mind you I reckon a few weeks fasting wouldn't do me much harm! Might even be beneficial.

Yes, labour have form "Bigotted woman".

Daft old sod with a death wish

Starmers not that old.

He won't last though ....

I agree with the Old geezer but hunger strike is pointless, he must know that Stealer Starmer can't give in or everyone with an an axe to grind will be trying it.

jourdain2, if pensioners do revolt and end up in prison at least they will not need to worry about being fed and staying warm through the winter months.  

theshedman - a very good point.  OK, I now ask for offences which I can commit, which won't hurt anyone but can give rise to a prison sentence during the Winter months.......come on, there must be some!

I see in the Telegraph 2 days ago British pensioners that live in the EU will keep their WFA, here's a piece from the page,  

Expats living in the European Union plus Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland are guaranteed the allowance by the Brexit withdrawal agreement. The disclosure will add to the controversy over the Chancellor's decision to scrap the payment for all UK residents who are not in receipt of benefits.

Most of them moved to warmer places, doesn't make sense.

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