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Phoenix August

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Echobongo | 19:01 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
13 Answers

4a Old robe worn by Muezzin when redecorating place to call faithful to prayer (7)  ????E?T

9a Something which, when downloaded right, will finally tempt one to become a trainee (10) A?????T?C

11a During these short days, find lethal plant on an off day, and return three days later (6) ??N?E?

20a It's best if he is let in at the request of someone with authority to do so (6)  ?I?E??

4d Quickley answer letters of death of saint between the 4th and 6th of October (7)  ????D?E

5d It's about me turning up with some things from the shopping list (5)

21d During Pancake Day, heads of Andean animals will be swathed in fine fabric (5) ??L?E 



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5 Items anag it's me

21 tulle

5 items

20 behest

20 Be he st?

9 apprentice

11 Sun dew (Wed)

5d items

4a.  raiment ?? (anagram of minaret)?

4 Raiment anag minaret

Question Author

4D Quickley answer letters of death of saint between the 4th and 6th of October (7)  R?P?D?E

Thank you everyone for all those other answers



Question Author

Riposte - that's it - Thank you!


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Phoenix August

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