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British Pensioners In Eu To Keep Winter Fuel Allowance

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gramps85 | 09:02 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | News
34 Answers,threshold%20set%20by%20Rachel%20Reeves.

35,000 British Pensioners living in the EU are to keep the WFA. I wonder how many of them pay their taxes into the UK coffers.




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Not France and Spain, though. 

I wonder how many are now dead but their pensions continue to be paid. Are enquiries routinely made to ensure these expats are still alive?

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It is still 35,000 no matter what EU country they live in.  I suppose this includes those who may live in Malta.

"British expats living in Cyprus, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Malta, Portugal or Spain will not receive the payment as the average winter temperature is higher than that recorded in the warmest part of the UK."

Malta is excluded

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Barry.  Thanks for adding that information, I didn't realise and I apologise if I have offended anybody.

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Barry.  Thanks for adding that information, I didn't realise and I apologise if I have offended anybody.

Davebro, my expat friends claiming their pensions have to sign a proof of life certificate in front of a witness every so often.  If they don't send it back their pensions are stopped.   I have reason to believe other checks are made surreptiously but I can't prove it.

You haven't been offensive at all, gramps.  I couldn't read your link as it behind a paywall so I don't know if it lists the excluded countries.   

Leaving the Ex-pats aside for a moment, isn't it time for a u turn at home?

Attacking the living standards of the most vulnerable in our society isn't something I would expect from the Labour Party.

It would be the decent thing to do, sandy.  

Gramps WFA was taken away from expats in 2015 by the ex Tory/govt, inc Malta, Spain, Greece, Portugal and France.

Isn't your link referring to the cold weather payment Barry?

Gramps.   I also do not feel offended even after reading your sarcastic post @ 09.07 😎

Sorry no it isn't

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Gulliver 11.05.  Good.

-- answer removed --

^ please note

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Gulliver. You think I am a nasty person because I don't believe that anybody outside of the UK should receive WFA.  It is their choice to leave the UK, for what ever reason, and I have no beef with that.  What I do object to is for them to expect to receive the same benefits as those who still live in this country as well as receiving any benefit their host country has to offer.

And talking about you saying I am nasty person, 'Pot calling the Kettle' springs to mind.

you are correct gramps, they should not get British dosh if they don't live here. Anyway they won't need it in Malta, Greece etc anyway. Gulliver is just one of our clique of anti British, he always sides with the enemy, typical collaborator.

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