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Anyone On The Fence About Capital Punishment?

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ToraToraTora | 11:53 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | News
137 Answers

I have traditionally been in favour of capital punishment though I sometimes waver. Those against it often do impress me with their reasoning and I get persuaded that maybe the state should never execute it's own citizens. Then a case like this comes along and I start to think that sometimes there are such depraved humans that it's a case of disposal of a pathogen rather than execution. No doubt AH will tell me that it's emotive and we should ignore the circumstances. Your Thoughts......



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My point is I don't advocate capital punishment 'regardless of crime'.

naomi - // My point is I don't advocate capital punishment 'regardless of crime'. //

But no-one else is coming on to agree with you. That somewhat more reasoned position does not fly with the majority of posters on here.

It appears that each of our specific viewpoints is unique - but you seem keen to question mine, wheras I accept yours.

I disagree with it, obviously, but I do accept it.

andy-hughes, I don't post to generate Brownie points from other people.  My opinions are my own regardless of what others may think.

//But no-one else is coming on to agree with you. That somewhat more reasoned position does not fly with the majority of posters on here.//

Bullcrap - no one is advocating capital for all murders.

Naomi - // andy-hughes, I don't post to generate Brownie points from other people.  My opinions are my own regardless of what others may think. //

I would never suggest otherwise, I have known you far too long to think that.

But my point remains valid.

For you - the notion of capital punishment is conditional on the circumstances of the crime. I merely point out that appear to be alone in this - the majority of your fellow supporters can't want to get trapdoors dropped, injections administered, guns fired, etc., regardless of any extenuating circumstances.

Which underlines my point - it is motivated by a primal need for revenge and moral satisfaction, neither of which belong in a civilised society.

davebro appears to be agreeing with me.

Dave - // Bullcrap - no one is advocating capital for all murders. //

You clearly are - and you have a short memory - this is a post of yours from earlier on - 

// I believe capital punishment should be available in all murder cases. //

Have to say, Ive enjoyed 3T's thread 😂

naomi - // davebro appears to be agreeing with me. //

Please see my post above this one - he clearly doesn't agree with you at all, except when he forgets what he has said earlier.

Oh right.  He's just said //no one is advocating capital for all murders// so maybe reading my argument has changed his mind.

naomi - // Oh right.  He's just said //no one is advocating capital for all murders// so maybe reading my argument has changed his mind. //

That's very charitable of you - I rather think his need to aggressively argue with me clouds his memory of his earlier position, stated with equal certainty.

Which to believe ... either ... both ... neither ... it's a conundrum isn't it!!!!!

// // I believe capital punishment should be available in all murder cases. //

does NOT mean it should be applied - A-H sober up!

dave - //

// // I believe capital punishment should be available in all murder cases. //

does NOT mean it should be applied - A-H sober up! //

I can hear your spade scraping from here - best to quit while you're behind!

And I don't need to sober up, I'm tee-total!!

-- answer removed --

Please don't be rude to me Dave, I am not being rude to you.

you are accusing me of saying things I didn't - that's rude

And you can delete my posts at will - doesn't make you any more of a man 😝

Dave - // you are accusing me of saying things I didn't - that's rude //

I'm not accusing you of anything.

Naomi has read your posts, and drawn the same meaning from them as I did.

If you are not capable of writing two posts on the same thread that directly contradict each other because you didn't word them sufficiently carefully, and then you get hostile when it's pointed out to you, that's your problem, not mine.

dave - // And you can delete my posts at will - doesn't make you any more of a man 😝 //

Please don't assume that I deleted your post, there are other Moderators besides me.

And none of us delete posts to underline our sexuality, we do it to ensure that the site runs smoothly.

but you did - didn't you?

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